I'm sorry to come off as a dick, but these replies are shit and accomplish nothing. Just a heads up to everyone, if you're going to reply to posts, please be constructive about what you're replying to. Giving little details or not any kind of tips what-so-ever about resolving the problem(s) at hand is completely pointless. Thank you.
You're being pretty un-specific. Some screenshots might be helpful, or any additional information for that matter. Install Avast, if you can, and run a boot-time scan. This will scan your computer directly after POST. Malwarebytes is also some good shit. Between those two, you should get something worked out. If you're not currently running any anti-virus software, shame on you. If you are, remove that shit because it's obviously not doing its intended job.
Instead of that use this <php>$mgroups = explode(',',$this->memberData['mgroup_others']); $titles = $this->memberData['g_title']; foreach ($mgroups as $field){if(is_numeric($field)){$titles .= " | ".$this->caches['group_cache'][$field]['g_title'];}}</php><span>{$titles}</span>
There seems to be a lot of confusion in regards to the download requirements. Previously, users were required to make three (3), constructive, non-spam posts in order to gain access to our downloads. This is no longer the case. There is no requirement, post count or otherwise, to access our downloads.