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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/16/2013 in all areas

  1. We auto-magically create 4,000+ backlink pages to your website, then we ping them too!http://www.pingbomb.com/beta.php
    1 point
  2. I'm introducing a brand-new cereal brand! In stores April 1st, 3045
    1 point
  3. In a nutshell, what this does is display a copyright message for your site with an automatically-updating "to" year and will also show only the starting year if both years are the same (so you don't end up with something like "2013 - 2013"). This method, as far as I know, requires that you have IP.Content installed. [*]Go to Admin CP > Other Apps > Content > Blocks. [*]Click Add Block. [*]Select Raw PHP for the type. Proceed to the next section. [*]Name the block Dynamic Copyright, place under URLs & Variables, tick the Cache this block box, and set the block's cache lifetime to 1440 minutes (every 24 hours). Proceed to the next section. [*]Copy and paste the following code in. Make sure to replace STARTING DATE with a valid four-digit year, URL with a valid URL of your choice, and TITLE with the text that you want to act as the link. $startyear = STARTING DATE;$endyear = date("Y");echo "© ";if ($startyear == $endyear) { echo "$startyear ";}else { echo "$startyear - $endyear ";}echo " <a href='URL'>TITLE</a>";[*]Once you've saved the block, head over to Admin CP > Look & Feel > Manage Skin Sets & Templates > Manage Templates in {site name}. [*]Load up globalTemplate. [*]Press Ctrl + F and search for {$footer_items['copyright']}. [*]Create a new line directly above that one and paste <p style='text-align: right;'>{parse block="dynamic_copyright"}</p> into it. [*]Head to your forum index and press F5 to confirm that it shows up as intended. I'm sure there's a simpler method, but I'm lazy and happen to know some PHP, so... although if you know of a more elegant solution feel free to post it here. Hope this helps. Edit: Added images. Also, is relevant (replace the first line after <p class="copyright"> with {parse block="dynamic_copyright"}.
    1 point
  4. Yeah, they are still fixing 3.4.x and just released 3.4.5. beta 1.
    1 point
  5. yes you will still get payments through IP Nexus without SSL Certificate, So you should be fine as i have IP Nexus on my board and i have received multiple payment from it and i am not SSL Certified
    1 point
  6. I won't comment much on web development degrees, as there's a TON of information to discuss in relation to it. However, in regards to hosting.. you'd likely be interest in a "reseller" plan through a company such as GoDaddy. More information here: http://www.godaddy.com/hosting/reseller-hosting.aspx?ci=73580 Here's some quick info directly from their FAQ: Essentially, GoDaddy would rent a dedicated server to you, which you are able to partition to your liking (i.e. separating chunks of resources, such as disk space, memory, cores available, etc) and market them at your own prices with your own site, etc. They also offer a built-in billing system so that you'll never need to handle transactions privately or risk being scammed. There's a wealth of information on their site - have a look at it.
    1 point
  7. Please be absolutely certain the request you are about to fill is posted in the proper section (i.e. our Requests area). If a hook/application/template/rip request is not posted in one of the following forums, do NOT fill that request. IP.Board Requests vBulletin Requests xenForo Requests MyBB Requests Filling requests in the incorrect forum will only encourage current and future users to continue to circumvent our posting requirement in order to make requests. As per our Community Guidelines, 15 non-spam posts are required to make a request. Requests made in the incorrect forum by users with less than 15 posts are subject to warnings and/or suspensions, and the request is guaranteed to be deleted. If you find a request made in the incorrect forum, report the topic! Please do not attempt to mini-moderate or give users a "free pass". I will start doling out warnings to users who continue to encourage other users to circumvent our posting requirement by filling their requests. If you assist in violating our policies and guidelines, you're just as much of a culprit.
    1 point
  8. Hello Guys,Let's welcome Davlin to our staff team! He'll be our latest addition to our Moderation team. Davlin has been active on our website since forumcore and we find him a great addition.So (from all of us at WF) welcome, Davlin, to our staff
    1 point
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