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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/05/2013 in all areas

  1. http://www.sqldumpsplitter.com/
    1 point
  2. Google "BigDumb Download" and download the BigDump file from their website. When finished downloading open the bigdump.php file in a text editor and setup the database configurations such as, db_name,db_pass etc. Then run the bigdump file from your browser and click on the 'Import' button and import your sql file. However, remember you setup your php.ini file uploading size to 128mb because by default it is 32mb.
    1 point
  3. Take the sql file and break it in parts at the create table (usually). Or you can upload it to the server and then use ssh command or cron job to import it. Or PM me the vps or cpanel login and file name with the db name and user name / password and I will do it.
    1 point
  4. I think the single most important thing to do when brainstorming a website is to create something that you like. Don't worry so much about whether everyone else will like it. When you first create a website, you will be its first and only member. So you want to create something that interests you . . . something that will keep you creating content. It takes patience to build a community. It doesn't happen overnight or in a week or month. Sometimes it takes a year to build a community.
    1 point
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