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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/25/2013 in all areas

  1. Hello Members, April 13th we made a post about Duplicate accounts. We explained our opinions about it and why it's not allowed. As of this date we still have members attempting to register more than one account to bypass restrictions or for some other weird reason. So let me say this: On WebFlake, you are allowed to have only 1 account registered. If you have multiple accounts already and are afraid of getting banned (because we will start issueing bans), please PM me, paradiizee or any other staff member as soon as possible. I also kindly want you all to check this topic we posted earlier: http://webflake.sx/topic/3370-urgent-duplicate-accounts/ If you get caught with more than 1 account, you will be banned. End of story. - WF Staff Team
    3 points
  2. Example of what it will look like: http://imsanctuary.info/rainbow.html I've only tested this on IPB 3.4.2, but I'm sure it will work with earlier version and later versions. Let me know if it doesn't though. Step 1) Go to your ACP > Look & Feel > Your Skin > globalTemplate. Place the following code near the bottom of your globalTemplate. I put mine above the <!-- ::: Footer ::: --> part of the globalTemplate. The code: Once you put that code somewhere in there, click 'Save', then head over to Members > Member Groups > Manage Member Groups. Click on the group you want to use the rainbow username style on. For the group prefix, use this: <span name="Rainbow"> For the group sufix, use this: </span> Click on 'Complete Edit' and you're done! Enjoy!
    1 point
  3. In this tutorial, I'll be teaching you how to rip pretty much any HTML/CSS template from sites like ThemeForest and such.Note : I will be using FireFox for this tutorial, and a few steps in this tutorial may be unavailable in other browsers, such as Google Chrome. How To:Step 1) Find a template which you would like to rip.In this tutorial, I will be using this template: http://vc.benbate.com/index.html Step 2) Right Click on an empty area of the template and click on "View Page Info".A window similar to this will pop up:From the tabs at the top, click on "Media".This part is a very important part of the tutorial.Look at the following image:Click on the "Save As..." button and then create a folder for your template files.You will need to create a folder leading to the same directory as the file you are saving.So in this case we would be saving the file called "favicon.ico" in the folder "images".So, when you click the "Save As..." button, create a folder called "images" and save the favicon.ico file inside the images folder.Save each image to their directory. Make sure you don't miss any images!This is may sound hard, but it is very easy, trust me.Step 3) Once you get the images out of the way, let's move onto the HTML & CSS!Right click > View Page SourceOpen up Notepad or Notepad++ or any other notepad type program you use.Go back to the page source. Press Ctrl + A, or select all of the text on the page.Press Ctrl + V, or copy the selection. Paste this onto Notepad.Now, this next part is very important also!Take a look at this screen cap:In this case, you are going to name this file "index.html". But be careful, the name of the file will probably be different for each template.Now, if you notice, you will see some links ending with .css, like this:Click on those links and do the same thing you did with the HTML! Make sure you save them as .css instead of .html, make sure you save them to their correct directories, etc., etc.There may also be javascript files, which you should save as .js, save them to their own directories, etc., etc. .By now, you should have the hang of it!Step 4) Once you've done that, you should have a folder with all your files stored for this rip.If you're ripping the same template I ripped (which I do recommend that you try to rip if it's your first time), your folder should look like this:If it doesn't, you're doing something wrong.Now it's time to upload to our website. Most of us know how to upload things in the FTP, so I'm not gonna bother explain that.Once it's done uploading, go and see if it's working and if you're missing anything, etc. http://www.imsanctuary.info/Virtuoso/ I hope some of you found this useful and not confusing. :DIf you didn't understand something, or if you need help with something, feel free to leave me a PM!If you felt like I'm missing something, or think I should add something to this post, feel free to say so.Tutorial made by Sanctuary, for WebFlake.
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. This tutorial is how to prevent other users with admin powers to delete the main admin account (usually ID no.1) Open file: adminapplicationsmembersmodules_adminmembersmembers.phpFind: by pressing cntrl + f $ids = IPSLib::cleanIntArray( $ids ); Add above: if( in_array( 1, $ids ) ) { $this->registry->output->global_message = "Can't remove main admin account. Sorry."; $this->request['do'] = 'members_list'; $this->_memberList(); return; }the click save
    1 point
  6. Originally made by me, Sanctuary, for ForumCore. Here's what the @ symbol looks like currently Here's what you can make it look like: How To (SYMBOL COLOR): 1) Go to the ACP > Look and Feel > Look and Feel > Manage Skin Sets & Templates. 2) Click on the skin you're using and click on skin_shoutbox > shout_row and find the following code: <a href="#" class="at_member" data-store="[member={$d['member_id']}]" title="{$this->lang->words['insert_name']}"></a>&nbsp; 3) Replace it with this code: <a href="#" class="at_member" data-store="{$d['members_display_name']}" title="{$this->lang->words['insert_name']}"><span style="color:black">@</span></a>&nbsp;and change the color:black part to whatever color you want The part you would change in the code would be: <span style="color:black"> e.g. Green @ symbol, you would type in <span style="color: green"> Red would be <span style="color: red"> Etc., etc. 4)Save and enjoy. This also works if you know the number for the #000000 you want to use (e.g. #fff000 is yellow, so instead of typing 'yellow' you could type in that) Here's what the @ symbol looks like currently: Here's what you can make it look like: How to (SYMBOL IMAGE): 1) Go to the ACP > Look and Feel > Look and Feel > Manage Skin Sets & Templates. 2) Click on the skin you're using and click on skin_shoutbox > shout_row and find the following code: <a href="#" class="at_member" data-store="[member={$d['member_id']}]" title="{$this->lang->words['insert_name']}"></a>&nbsp; 3) Replace it with this code: <a href="#" class="at_member" data-store="{$d['members_display_name']}" title="{$this->lang->words['insert_name']}"><img src="{IMAGE LINK HERE}"</a>&nbsp;And add your own image link. 4) Save and enjoy.
    1 point
  7. ACP > Members > Member Groups > Manage Member Groups > -Member Group- > Global Change the Personal Photo Limits value. You can also change the dimensions directly beneath PPL as well. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the owner has been able to solve the problem. Because of this, the support topic has been closed and moved.If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
    1 point
  8. Hello, Phun teached me how to put double security at the ACP. So I decided to share this with you guys! [*]Open your ACP. [*]Open the Security Center, left at the ACP Index. [*]Search for this: [*] [*]Click "Learn More" [*]Fill in this form: [*] Enjoy! © Phun - WebFlake.net. © I Stake Rofl - WebCatchy D&D.
    1 point
  9. This is exactly what I have tried to explain to so many who I have helped build a community, but they always argue back that it wont be organized lol. I may be using this post in the future Great stuff.
    1 point
  10. Um, not really. The lower body could be used an an anology where content comes out of and enters the whole world.
    1 point
  11. You guys should be very lucky that I didn't do the Lower Body. That could have been gross!
    1 point
  12. You forgot the ventricles and entrials. Just saying.
    1 point
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