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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/24/2013 in all areas

  1. Adding Images For Your Forum Category Open your boardIndexTemplate Find <p class='desc'>{$forum_data['description']}</p> and replace with <img src='{style_images_url}/cat_images/{$forum_data['id']}.png' alt=''/><br /><p class='desc'>{$forum_data['description']}</p> Now, open your FTP Client and make a new map in /public/style_images/YOURTHEME/ named "cat_images". In this map upload the images for your categories. Example: If your forum id is 3, name the image 3.png and upload it into the cat_images folder. Made by Paradiizee - From this support topic:
    1 point
  2. You can put any image you want. Doesn't matter dimensions. Nothing. Be sure you put the corect html code and image url. Yes, it's a very simple method, but some people doesn't know it.
    1 point
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