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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/23/2013 in all areas

  1. http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ Create a database, then go to your database > More > Privileges and make sure that you guy a user all privileges.
    1 point
  2. You can go with Bidvertiser, Chitika,Infolinks, BuySellAds etc
    1 point
  3. Hey, you should check out http://graphicriver.net/ -- They have alot of vector graphics, logo art and cartoon-style imagery you might be able to use. It's not free though.
    1 point
  4. ACP > Look & Feel > Your Skin > Board Index > boardIndexTemplate. Find these codes and delete them: <p class='desc'>{$forum_data['description']}</p><p class='desc __forum_desc ipsType_small'>{$forum_data['description']}</p>Now find this: <h4><a href="{parse url="showforum={$forum_data['id']}" seotitle="{$forum_data['name_seo']}" template="showforum" base="public"}" title='{parse expression="IPSText::striptags( IPSText::htmlspecialchars( $forum_data['name'] ) )"}'>{$forum_data['name']}</a></h4> Replace it with this: <h4><a href="{parse url="showforum={$forum_data['id']}" seotitle="{$forum_data['name_seo']}" template="showforum" base="public"}" title='{parse expression="IPSText::striptags( IPSText::htmlspecialchars( $forum_data['name'] ) )"}' data-tooltip='{$forum_data['description']}'>{$forum_data['name']}</a></h4>Find this: <a href="{parse url="showforum={$__data[0]}" seotitle="{$__data[2]}" template="showforum" base="public"}" title='{parse expression="IPSText::striptags( IPSText::htmlspecialchars($__data[1]) )"}'>{$__data[1]}</a><if test="isNotLast:|: empty($__data[4] )">,</if>Replace it with this: <a href="{parse url="showforum={$__data[0]}" seotitle="{$__data[2]}" template="showforum" base="public"}" title='{parse expression="IPSText::striptags( IPSText::htmlspecialchars($__data[1]) )"}'>{$__data[1]}</a><if test="isNotLast:|: empty($__data[4] )" data-tooltip='{$forum_data['description']}'>,</if>
    1 point
  5. Re-size your new logo or increase the height of your #branding height in the skin's ipb_styles.css.
    1 point
  6. Hope you like it here! If you have questions you can PM me or ask in the support forums, Enjoy your stay
    1 point
  7. Welcome to WebFlake. Make sure you read out Community Guidelines which can be found here. Enjoy!
    1 point
  8. These aren't really professional.. They're at the same graphical level as mine. I'm a beginner.Both of the Kristen Stuart wallpapers are just renders of her with a background and some text. Nothing special.I hate to sound like an a**hole, but they just seem... effortless. It looks like something you threw together in 10 minutes. How to improve: search up some tutorials on Google and YouTube and apply what you learn into your newest work. Look for things like how to improve image quality, or how to make simple things stand out better. Make sure your fonts fit the images you're manipulating.
    1 point
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