Anybody who downloaded my previous files needs to read this. I realized that those other files actually created another bug. You know the text areas in the ACP? They look like this:
These text areas are in many areas of the ACP. Unfortunately, the files I posted before make the text areas disappear! This issue is a significant because you can't use many different mods, hooks and even some of the default settings in IPB! But luckily, I have a fix for this. One of my friends has found an alternative way to solve this problem. This fix is pretty much an CSS edit. But you don't need to edit any CSS whatsoever! In order to solve this problem, just download this file:
This file is named acp.css. You are going to upload this file using FileZilla or any other similar FTP program to admin and then skin_cp. It is going to ask if you wish to replace the file, select yes to this. This file should get rid of the annoying license box. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me.