The support forums need to be better for everyone. There are people who are abusing the hell out of it. We have members with 15+ support questions going at any given time. This is preposterous, and they are burying equally important support questions by other members. Simply stated, if you have that many support questions you obviously have no clue what you're doing, and you probably need to buy a license.
Go to admin -> skin_cp -> cp_skin_global.php and find:
and replace it with this:
Save and go to admin -> applications -> core -> extensions -> dashboardNotifications.php and find: and replace with this: Save and you're done. In general, this works for 3.2.x, 3.3.x and 3.4.x.
This. Seems like the majority just come on here to leech files and only post when they have something they can't solve on their website. Like you said there is no chance they will read this.
As has already been posted (by Verified), there is a tutorial available for removing the license key warning (quite simple to do). The "difference" between nulled and retail content has been covered immensely throughout WebFlake. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the owner has been able to solve the problem. Because of this, the support topic has been closed and moved.If you have other questions, please open a new topic.