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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/10/2013 in all areas

  1. You need to split your database into smaller sections. Try using SQL Dump Splitter or something similar.
    2 points
  2. Here is a little tutorial for show to you how to edit the copyright at the bottom of your page without a template edit.. Per defaut : After follow this tutorial : Here we go : 1) Let's go on your FTP > public_html and go in : adminsourcesclassesoutputformatshtml 2) Open htmlOutput.php 3) Go at the line 632 or search for : <!-- Copyright Information --> You will see that : $copyright = "<!-- Copyright Information --> <p id='copyright'> <a href='http://www.invisionpower.com/apps/board/' title='Community Forum Software by Invision Power Services'>Community Forum Software by IP.Board{$version}</a>"; 4) Custom step : After the </a> add your custom code.. and when it's done don't forgot to check if the "; is after your code. Exemple : $copyright = "<!-- Copyright Information --> <p id='copyright'> <a href='http://www.invisionpower.com/apps/board/' title='Community Forum Software by Invision Power Services'>Community Forum Software by IP.Board{$version}</a></br>Skin By Paradiizee - WebFlake"; 5) Save and re-upload the htmlOutput.php 6) It's done ! Tutorial by Skye for WF community. Hit the Like button if you wanna thanks me.
    1 point
  3. For quite some time now, there has been too many poorly articulated, and poorly constructed, support topics. To clarify, I've been seeing a lot of the following: Topics with "HELP PLZ!" as their topic title Posts that consist of "I have this mod and it dun work!" Or worse yet.. a snapshot of some random forum, followed by something like: "tell me how do this". Let me preface the rest of this by saying that there has also been a handful of posts made in broken Engrish (yes, I intended to spell it that way).. which leaves users wishing to offer support, completely baffled by what is being asked. Please use English only, or at the very least, save us some time and use a free online translator such as Bing Translator. Back on point -- most support topics offer little to no information, which ultimately results in threads disintegrating into redundant, basic support questions that should have been answered in the original post. More often than not, these type of threads go unanswered, and the OP resorts to bumping their topic which in turn, results in warnings/suspensions. So in an effort to clean up our support forums, and help the average user obtain faster, quality support.. I want to offer a few common sense guidelines to adhere to. Start with the basics! Don't just post a link to the app/hook you're using. Offer details such as: Your current forum version The app/hook version number Is the app/hook compatible with your forum version? Post a copy of any errors being displayed Elaborate Instead of expecting viewers to read your mind, try offering more detailed information, such as: Offering a clear and concise description of the problem you are experiencing. How can we replicate the issue? What steps have you already taken to resolve the problem? What guides / tutorials have you attempted to utilize? Provide other relevant links / snapshots / etc. Don't forget to include additional details, such as: Forum Software Version you are using. Screenshot, Text, Logs, etc of the error/problem. Location of where the error/problem is occurring. When the error/problem started occurring. If applicable, the latest plugins you installed to the forum. Anything that may help us solve the error/problem. Don't hinder support! I've noticed quite a few users pretending to "know" what they're doing when offered a resolution, and only make the issue worse. Be sure to tell us that you're confused or need further explanation!
    1 point
  4. Nope, doesn't matter. If you notice (Shoutbox for example), everything listed beneath it has the word "shoutbox" in the name somewhere. Then below (SN) PM Viewer, the same thing (has pmviewer in the name). So nothing to fret over, just a category name.
    1 point
  5. Didn't see it there so, that's why I commented.
    1 point
  6. The highlighted text is just category names.. nothing to be concerned with.
    1 point
  7. Okay thank you so much!
    1 point
  8. Drag them up or down with the little dots on the left hand side.
    1 point
  9. goto other apps in acp and look at this and basically edit the public name to whatever you want
    1 point
  10. it might not be compatible with the version of IPB your using or you didn't upload the icon to the right theme, basically upload the icon_moods.png to your theme not master and your second question could you be a bit more specific please
    1 point
  11. Try using the gzip zipper. It should make it readable by the phpmyadmin importer. Or do as Justin said.
    1 point
  12. Yes unzip the file before importing.
    1 point
  13. You can enable/disable these via Style Properties > Message Elements.
    1 point
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