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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/04/2013 in all areas

  1. This works with all 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0 based sites and probably more. In your root folder, usually public_html, open initdata.php and find: if ( ! defined( 'IPS_DEFAULT_PUBLIC_APP' ) ){define( 'IPS_DEFAULT_PUBLIC_APP', 'forums' );}And replace with: if ( ! defined( 'IPS_DEFAULT_PUBLIC_APP' ) ){define( 'IPS_DEFAULT_PUBLIC_APP', 'blogs' );}Change 'blogs' to whatever app you want to use as a homepage. Then save and upload. Credit goes to invisionpower for this. Original post on FC by Justin™
    1 point
  2. Hello Guys,Let's welcome Davlin to our staff team! He'll be our latest addition to our Moderation team. Davlin has been active on our website since forumcore and we find him a great addition.So (from all of us at WF) welcome, Davlin, to our staff
    1 point
  3. My short story: Well Hello all that know me or will get to know me I'm TreeJay AKA ( Mac Miller in my early FC carrer Got Donator donated $75 total and then got contributer switched my name to TreeJay ) I was on the the site before this Forumcore.net i was a contributer and had a great time meeting people and having fun. I loved this community we have so many wonderful members and leeches -_- but hey i love everybody! When we switched to webflake i was very busy with IRL stuff and finally the prodigal child has returned. I wish we still had a shoutbox but due to so many people abusing it's pretty much 1 simple rule it was removed . Anyways what's up guys? Okay until later Peace!
    1 point
  4. Hey Purple I missed you lol
    1 point
  5. First, IonCube decoding and nulling are two different things so, before anyone takes you up on your offer, how providing some proof by uploading a decoded and nulled script. After all, you only have 3 posts, which doesn't say much about your abilities.
    1 point
  6. Actually.. the Attachment Mime Type should be: application/x-rar-compressed Also, if you need a 16x16 .gif, here's a link to imgur (I just uploaded a copy of one for you). http://i.imgur.com/hyXuwCU.gif
    1 point
  7. I'm sorry but I don't have this. BUT If you want to do something like attaching .RAR files to your download this is how its done: ACP => Forum => Post Attachments => Attachment Types When you are there click on once you've clicked on that. Then on Attachment File Extension put rar For Attachment Mime-Type put: application/rar Then Allow this attachment in posts? click Yes. Then hit the button. Hope I helped.
    1 point
  8. 1 point
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