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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/03/2013 in all areas

  1. A friend of mine and I are looking for a few people who are skilled at designing and others who are skilled at coding. If you're interested in helping out, drop me a PM in my inbox. What the designers will need to be able to do: [*]Be able to make designs for HTML/CSS templates [*]Be able to make designs for MyBB skins [*]Be able to make designs for IPB skins (Only 1/3 is needed, but more than 1/3 is always good.) What the coders will need to be able to do: [*]Convert .psd into HTML/CSS. [*]Make the MyBB .psd designs into the skins themselves [*]Make the IPB .psd designs into the skins themselves (Only 1/3 is needed, but more than 1/3 is always good.) I've re-enabled my PM box, so please leave me a PM if you're interested in helping. Thanks.
    2 points
  2. I have just seen these...good work,,,it doesn't matter how long it takes you as long as you have fun....keep up the good work
    2 points
  3. Malware comes in many forms, from an unwanted ad reappearing on your site to an executable file that infects visitors who click on it. Telltale signs that your site is infected can include unexplained ads, links or pop-ups, but some malware can have no noticeable effects at all. Your best defenses against malware are staying current with third-party application patches and using strong server passwords. When checking for the presence of malware, be sure to check the code residing on your server and not your backup files. Always use a virtual machine for verification to avoid infecting your own computer. Consider taking your site down immediately to prevent infecting visitors, and take action quickly to identify/remove it. Identifying Malware Removing Malware Preventing Malware
    1 point
  4. In admincp go to System Settings > Members > Reputation System Drop down box for Reputation type choose Like System and vice versa.
    1 point
  5. Go to admin -> skin_cp -> cp_skin_global.php and find: and replace it with this: Save and go to admin -> applications -> core -> extensions -> dashboardNotifications.php and find: and replace with this: Save and you're done. In general, this works for 3.2.x, 3.3.x and 3.4.x.
    1 point
  6. Thank you! it's really helpful did you know how to put these awards just for one special member?
    1 point
  7. Go into the group prefix or what ever and then put this code in before the color or after the colour code depending if you want it in front or behind. Here is the code you would use: <img src="/images/imagehere.png" /><span style='color:gold'> Replace the destination etc... and it will work
    1 point
  8. Even though mine feels like an NRA logo, it's still pretty cool.
    1 point
  9. You're likely better off using [HQ] Badges 2.0.1 for 3.4.x. It offers the same ability to add special "badges" to the topic view for specified groups, and has a wider range of options.
    1 point
  10. A "donation" is defined as an act of giving without expecting anything in return. However, we offer exclusive content for those generous enough to ensure WebFlake's continued upkeep. We have no need to display what's available. Plenty more users will donate for the sake of doing it, and simply reap the rewards of their generosity -- and we're just fine with that. You're not "buying" anything.. we offer a ton of content for free in the public areas. This is being discussed elsewhere as linked in the above post. Locking this thread.
    1 point
  11. Original post by me, you can add me in the credits, thanks..
    1 point
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