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I'd like to clarify a few longstanding, common sense policies here at WebFlake. "Thanks" Posts Despite the recent addition of a notification directly above the quick reply box in our Downloads areas, I'm still seeing a ton of posts from users saying things like "thanks", "nice", "ty", etc. We have a 'Like' system available for use, and every post has a button. It's blue, it's 72 pixels wide, and hard to miss. Why do we ask you to use it? Because posting gibberish clogs the thread (and WebFlake's database) with unnecessary one-liners and redundant "thank you's". It gets in the way of relevant discussion in the thread, and causes recently submitted content's download threads to be buried under a heap of bumped topics. When you do your grocery shopping, do you pause for a moment to call the manufacturer to "thank" them before making the purchase? I'd hope not. Spamming for Post Counts Hate spam mail in your inbox? Well, I can't stand spam messages. It's fine and dandy that you want to welcome someone to the community (some folks are naive enough to believe that increases their post count), but when you're flooding the forums with ridiculous one-liners that consist of less letters than a bowl of Alphabet Soup, you can be sure that those posts will be deleted. We placed a post requirement in our Requests areas to ensure that users who choose to become a part of the WebFlake community, aren't here under false pretenses (i.e. leeching). We want every member to be a valuable and integral part of our community. Spamming threads with "thank you" posts, or other one-liners is unacceptable and a violation of our Spamming policy (found within our Community Guidelines). Post something constructive, or don't post at all. Search System This has been rehashed time and again by other Staff members. Frankly, it's disturbing to see such a high number of users that are too lazy to take a few seconds to search for what they're looking for, instead opting to ask someone else to do it for them. It's an abuse of our free support system, and an utter waste of time for anyone generous enough to respond with a link. An overwhelming majority of our support requests are topics previously answered, or covered by tutorials. Speaking of tutorials, we have a wealth of information contributed by our community in various sections: WebMaster Tutorials & Guides IP.Board Tutorials vBulletin Tutorials xenForo Tutorials MyBB Tutorials Please start reviewing these tutorials in conjunction with utilizing the search feature. Having said that, I'd like to forewarn those who seek to continue to avoid following basic forum etiquette: I'm not opposed to issuing warnings. Posts will be deleted, users will be warned, and sometimes points will be attached. If you're warned several times in a relatively short period of time, posting privileges will be restricted. WebFlake Staff isn't here to make your life miserable, nor should you be here to make ours miserable. We want to ensure that this community is welcoming, professional, and trash-free. If you'd like to paint me as the bad guy, so be it. I spend my time here voluntarily, free of charge, and out of the goodness of my heart, despite other obligations (as does the rest of the team). I've received so much from this community, that giving back just a little, brightens my day. But I simply don't take kindly to those who want to urinate in my cheerios first thing in the morning. In closing: » Use the Like button instead of posting "thanks". » Don't spam for the purposes of increasing post counts. » Utilize our search feature before posting redundant requests.2 points
Notice: I know Phun created a tutorial on how to install IPB, but the screens were outdated. I just wanted to provide a tutorial that members who read it can directly relate. How to install IPB 3.4.x -A tutorial based off of Phun's tutorial which is Things that are required to install IPB: [*] A web host with MySQL and PHP. [*]A MySQL database made solely for your IPB forum. [*]The latest IPB forum software which is version 3.4.x. (You can get it ) [*]An FTP client. (I would recommend FileZilla. You can get it here.) Step 1: Finding a host Finding a free webhost is difficult because there really isn't any "good' free hosts out there. Even though it is hard to find a free host that is decent, UltraHost is an amazing free host. I would recommend it. But, it is best to purchase web hosting. You can check out FusionRax here. This web host has many great reviews and positive feedback. Step 2: Using the FTP To download FileZilla, which I personally recommend, click the link in step four of the things you require to install IPB. Once you have it installed, open the program. Then go to File and then Site Manager. Finally, follow the image below to learn how to add a site to the site manager. Directions: [*]This field is where you put your host for your FTP. You can find this in the cPanel of your webhost. [*]Change this drop down option to Account. [*]This field is where you put your username for your FTP. You can also find this in the cPanel of your webhost. [*]This field is where you put your password for your FTP. [*]This field is the same as the User field from step 3. [*]Tick the box and set the maximum number of connections to 1. This is important because it can prevent the error message that says "too many connections from this IP." After all of the settings are in place, click the Connect button. Once you do that, it should take you to this screen: If you look over to the right side, you will see a folder called public_html. Click that folder. After that, you can place your IPB installation files into the public_html by dragging them all in there. I would recommend you highlight them all using Ctrl+a. After you have dragged them in, it should take about 5-7 minutes to upload. After that is done, you are going to want to CHMOD some files using FileZilla. For those who do not know what CHMODing does, it gives certain permissions that prevents errors from occurring later on. Follow the CHMOD guide below and it will explain exactly what to CHMOD and to what value: [*]Items in blue must be set to 0777. [*]Items in that are not colored must be set to 0755. [*]Items in red must be set to 0777 during the installation, and then later set back to 0644. You also need to know how to CHMOD files. It's very easy and FileZilla does all of the work for you. Remember when you created your site in the Site Manager and you moved all of the IPB folders to your public_html folder? Well, you now need to go back to that. So reconnect and follow the screens below: Right click on the folder you're CHMODing and navigate to File Permissions... You should see the screen below... Go to the Numeric value, and in that field, put the value that correlates with the guide I posted above. Once your CHMODing is all finished, you now have to rename some files. There are two that require name changes. One is called conf_global.dist.php, and you need to change it to conf_global.php. The other is only if you have installed IP Content. It is called media_path.dist.php, and you need to change it to media_path.php. You are now ready for the actual IPB installation. Step 3: Installing the IPB software Just go to your website, what ever the domain is. It would be The URL above is the installation link. It isn't required to type out admin/install/install.php because it should automatically redirect to the install page; if not, just type it in manually. The screen above is what the latest IPB installer should look like. If every test has passed then you are good. Go ahead and click the Next button. Keep following the instructions on the installer. The next few pages include the EULA agreement, agree to that and continue. Don't worry about the license key either, it is optional. Stop and follow my next instructions when you reach this page: Now we need to create a database. Go to your host and search for something like this: Now click it and you should see a page that looks something like this: For the MySQL database name and MySQL username, I would just put the same number. Something like 2013. Then put the password to what ever you want. After that, click Create and the database will be created. Once that is done, you should see this: Now that you have created your database, the details for the installer are on that page. Don't worry about the SQL Table Prefix or the MySQL Table Type. Leave those settings to default. Finally, you need to fill the rest of the details. After the MySQL page, go ahead and input your admin credentials and install the forum. It shouldn't take too long to install. This should be the final message you after the installation: Now just click the link Invision Power Board and start managing your forum. The final step is to delete the Install folder in your public_html folder under the Admin folder. Also, when you enter the ACP, this occurs: To fix this error, download these two files on that I have provided. That is the final completion of this guide. Guide by Hitsugaya of WebFlake.1 point
i'LL BE done my tmr, too sleep now :3 Edit: I also made you this one like 2 weeks ago, if you din't get a chance - check it out: very simple1 point
It shouldn't make a difference whether you delete it or not. conf_global.php is the one with your settings in.1 point
Recache the language. I also had missing icons and text in the ACP after i moved host. Look & Feel -> Manage Languages -> Recache All.1 point
These aren't really professional.. They're at the same graphical level as mine. I'm a beginner.Both of the Kristen Stuart wallpapers are just renders of her with a background and some text. Nothing special.I hate to sound like an a**hole, but they just seem... effortless. It looks like something you threw together in 10 minutes. How to improve: search up some tutorials on Google and YouTube and apply what you learn into your newest work. Look for things like how to improve image quality, or how to make simple things stand out better. Make sure your fonts fit the images you're manipulating.1 point
I have seen this happen before to many people and even once to my brother.. its a sad thing, but really these guys will not give you the stuff back.. they see you as another guy that is mad because he lost his data because of nulled forums... I am being truthful with you because some of you need a wakeup call on this. Off-Shore hosting as they call it is the way to go with nulled scripts or tools.. this will save you pain. These people that work at these hosting companies are usually dedicated and buttset to their jobs, so they will make no exceptions as example of your case.. Good luck1 point
Close but not quite. That way it overwrites all fields in the database. If you are trying to copy just one field from one db to another you have to make sure the tables have equal number of rows and they matchexcept for not having the one field. First create the thanked field in the second database using phpmyadmin. Next run this sql command changing the database names to your databases. The profile_id may not exist but the real name should be the first column in the table... UPDATE dbase2.profile_data set thanked = (select thanked from dbase1.profile_data where dbase2.profile_id = dbase1.profile_id )1 point