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Hey! I've never made a post to actually introduce myself on any site, I thought it would be a change to make one here, since other staff did it. I've been working on sites since around about 2006. My first site I got involved in was a Music site. Working with IPB 2.3 actually caught my eye. I was asked to install a mod for someone when I didn't know anything. I learnt from there, Since then, I've owned a few sites myself, including a Forum Support Site. The biggest achievement was creating a gaming community, which I did back in 2008-2009. I then started working on IPBCore back around June 2011. Working with the community was a fantastic, helping other's with website Problems. I've Watched IPBCore grow into ForumCore. Working with wonderful staff to help the community was a big achievement for me, when Phun promoted me to Moderator. I've been the longest Moderator since then. In 2012, something big happened in my family, I had a daughter, since then, my hobbies are websites, and looking after her. In 2013, i've started my own project to help member's come together and advertise there site and youtube channel. Unfortuantly, rules are rules, and i'm not going to put it here. There is nothing more else to put so... Thats me. Welcome To My Intro.2 points
Go to admin -> skin_cp -> cp_skin_global.php and find: and replace it with this: Save and go to admin -> applications -> core -> extensions -> dashboardNotifications.php and find: and replace with this: Save and you're done. In general, this works for 3.2.x, 3.3.x and 3.4.x.1 point
Simple way to give your skin a nice little group legend, without the Group Name Indicator hook (not as effective though). Go to your ACP > Look & Feel > Your Skin > Board Index > boardIndexTemplate. Find this: </span> </p> </if></div>Add this code t the very bottom: <br> <strong>·</strong> <span style='color:#FF0000'>Administrators</span> <strong>·</strong> <span style='color:#0000FF'>Moderators</span> <strong>·</strong> <span style='color:#000000'>Members</span> <strong>·</strong> <span style='color:#AAAAAA'>Validating</span> <strong>·</strong>The result: Credit goes to Flippy for making this tutorial, I just edited it a bit.1 point
Congratulations! My wife has been considering applying to DeVry University (closer to home). Always a cool thing to see someone achieve a goal like this.1 point
1 point
1 point
1 point
Well.. that is going WAY to far.. the only love I saw in this was the bear having a good time in the stock room with that bimbo.1 point
Incorrect. 1)Look & Feel > Manage Skin Sets & Templates > Manage Replacements in "Theme Name" 2) You can edit the devFuse by editing the hook it's self, if you need any help on it send me a pm and i can help you.1 point
Despite the crude humor.. one of the best comedies I've seen in the last couple of years. It's still a better love story than Twilight.1 point
The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the owner has been able to solve the problem. Because of this, the support topic has been closed and moved.If you have other questions, please open a new topic.1 point
Please don't hijack other users' support requests. @Rooney Be sure you've recached the skin and performed a Global Recache. On a side note, nice job of adding the BBCode system to your editor. I've been searching high and low for the release that includes the RTE icons and such, could never find it.1 point
Let me Google that for you: Also, here's a helpful tutorial I posted a week or so ago:1 point
Welcome to WebFlake! Be sure to have a look at our Community Guidelines -- enjoy your stay!1 point
This thread has been merged with another recently posted thread. I saw no need for redundant discussions in various threads.. the "new" responses begin with post #18. On a final note, in the future.. please search the forums for previous discussions. There's absolutely no reason to open a new thread to ask an identical question. If you require input on a specific topic regarding any of the three packages, then I could understand opening a new thread. But post #18 and the OP of this thread are, for all intents and purposes, the same question.1 point
Request has been filled. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the owner has been able to solve the problem. Because of this, the support topic has been closed and moved. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.1 point
This question has already been asked (and answered) in another thread. Chris has generously provided the answer again. Thread locked.1 point
beautiful skin A cute name can be Heaven maybe It makes me think about "light" °__°1 point
Step 1: Template Edit Go to Admin CP > Look & Feel > ( skin name ) > Board Index > boardIndexTemplate Find: <ol class='subforums'> <foreach loop="subforums:$forum_data['subforums'] as $__id => $__data"> <if test="showSubForumsLit:|:$__data[3]"><li class='newposts'><else /><li></if> <a href="{parse url="showforum={$__data[0]}" seotitle="{$__data[2]}" template="showforum" base="public"}" title='{$this->lang->words['go_to_forum']}'>{$__data[1]}</a></li> </foreach> </ol> replace with : <ol class='subforums1'> <foreach loop="subforums:$forum_data['subforums'] as $__id => $__data"> </ol> <ol class='subforums2'> <if test="showSubForumsLit:|:$__data[3]"> </foreach> </ol> <ol class='subforums3'> <foreach loop="subforums:$forum_data['subforums'] as $__id => $__data"> </ol> <ol class='subforums'> <if test="showSubForumsLit:|:$__data[3]"><li class='newposts'><else /><li></if> <a href="{parse url="showforum={$__data[0]}" seotitle="{$__data[2]}" template="showforum" base="public"}" title='{$this->lang->words['go_to_forum']}'>{$__data[1]}</a></li> </foreach> </ol> Save Step 2: CSS Edit Go to Admin CP > Look & Feel > ( skin name ) > CSS >ipb_styles.css find : table.ipb_table ol.subforums { margin-top: 3px; float: left; width: 50%; } replace with : table.ipb_table ol.subforums { margin-top: 3px; float: left; width: 33%; } table.ipb_table ol.subforums1 { width: 33%; } table.ipb_table ol.subforums2 { width: 33%; } Save1 point
Locking a thread won't make it "move" in the topic list. i.e. you lock Thread A.. then respond to Thread B... Thread B will now be above Thread A. Simply locking Thread A won't make it drop to the bottom of the topic list. It's 5am, so I may not be understanding you properly? Even my wife had the same impression.1 point
So the locked threads are basically staying pinned? Trying to gather as much info on this to be able to provide a better answer.. because right now, it looks perfectly normal.1 point
Is that the snapshot you intended to share? Because that one is perfectly normal.. the Ø denotes closed threads, and they're both listed at the top. I can see that their 'started' times are AFTER the unlocked thread, but that's normal as well (locked topics can be bumped if you use the BBCode hook.1 point
1 point
What IPB version are you using? If you're looking for a 3.3.x version of the hook, I'm assuming you're using IPB 3.3.x, which means this should be working fine.1 point
Really? Both topics are on the first page of IPB Support: Neither are yet resolved as it's a skin issue.. not something particularly "site breaking". You're welcome to use the Template Merge Tool, or simply use a different skin until a more concrete resolution is found.1 point
This works fine with 3.4.2... System Settings > HeadStand > [HSC] Recent Posts (Sidebar Block) Wasn't aware that the documentation was altered, but nevertheless.. this tidbit is rather hard to miss on the download page:1 point
Don't understand all of the wallowing over post counts... so many intros about it. In any case, WebFlake is a fresh start and a much needed one. Welcome back!1 point
If you're looking to change the header background, you'll need to check the theme's images folder. -Forum URL- > public > style_images > -Your Theme-1 point
Desire is absolutely correct. Not all 3.3.x skins will function with 3.4.x.. 'course, the search function here could have turned up the answer to this very question at least a dozen times.1 point
Opened in Nov. '11, and have just under 20k posts. Not bad for one of my gaming communities.1 point
Are you sure this isn't hook related? I'm fairly certain there is a hook that does this intentionally.1 point
You need to configure it, so that it does. There is a document included that explains all of this.1 point
Depending upon what you're looking to do.. here are a pair of links.. Stop Spammers: Stop multiple registrations from the same IP (users): point
1 point
With the kind of bio-weapons floating around out there, it isn't too far fetched to believe World War 3 would actually BE a zombie apocalypse. Even though it's dated from a few years ago, I think it still holds some merit: point
1 point
ACP > Members > Member Management Tools.. input an IP and click "Show me". Alternatively, you can use the IP Address Tools in the Moderator Control Panel.1 point
Maybe you have ESP? I'm launching another site with Facebook/Twitter integration, and this will save me a whole lot of time. So yes, a share is a must!1 point
Welcome to WebFlake! It's fairly standard for new users to review the forum guidelines, so be sure to take a peek!1 point
ACP > Look & Feel > -Your Template- > CSS > ipb_styles.css Look for: table.ipb_table .subforums { You'll want to revert that back to default.. which should be this: table.ipb_table .subforums { margin: 2px 0 3px 5px; padding-left: 20px; background: url({style_images_url}/subforum_stem.png ) no-repeat left 4px; } table.ipb_table .subforums li.unread { font-weight: bold; }Read more: point
Though this may not be entirely relevant to THIS tutorial, is there a method to adding a tab (w/ image) in front of the Forums tab?1 point
Looks great.. might want to move Introduce Yourself to Lounge or Chill Corner, but that's entirely up to you.1 point