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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/19/2013 in all areas

  1. Hey ch4ncut3, Get and install this: This will give you the ability to add Shoutbox welcome, Profile Comment welcome, PM welcome, Email welcome, topic welcome and much much more! Hope I helped, and enjoy and good luck!
    3 points
  2. 2 points
  3. Hello everyone, Welcome to WebFlake. Our team has worked hard to get everything done and this is the result. Alot of features may still be in development and will be added later, but for now what needs to work, works. We hope you all like it and start filling the site with interesting information, discussions and more. The whole staff team is looking forward to see this site bloom into something amazing. Former Donators Please send me a Personal Message with your paypal email in it. You will get more details later. I will probably handle all the donator requests MONDAY (Tomorrow) and answer all of you with more details. For now there is no content added yet so it does not make a real difference. Please enjoy the site and be patient. Downloads As you can see, everything is gone. We still have the old ForumCore backup though, so we can get everything back. If you have a request for something, please post it in the request forum. Bug Reports If you see any bugs, please report them by sending a PM to Paradiizee! Make sure to include URL of where it happened and how to reproduce the bug(s). We're very excited to see you guys on our new site, so i hope you'll all like it. Thanks for waiting so patiently! - WebFlake Staff
    1 point
  4. is there any members here who wear skins curve-white? please response about this skin. whether normal zoom?
    1 point
  5. how to create a page in IPB. I want to create a page about the rule
    1 point
  6. Hello, The name is Kaden and I have been lurking around for a while now usually around IPB forums. I really enjoy the site and prefer this hands down to some of the other IPB sites I've been around over the years. I hope to enjoy the stay here and I look forward to meeting more of you here.
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. Flag For select language This code can be used to insert the flags side by side with the names of the languages ​​available in the footer. Search global Template {$lang['title']} Add first <if test="$lang['id'] == 1"><img alt="English" src="http://www.neostea.com/hosted/us.png"></if><if test="$lang['id'] == 2"><img alt="Français" src="http://www.neostea.com/hosted/fr.png"></if> English (USA) id language = 1 Français (FR) id language = 2 screenshot
    1 point
  9. Welcome to WF! Enjoy your stay man
    1 point
  10. When i have this error I just removed this code : //----------------------------------------- // And start generating output //----------------------------------------- $txt .= $this->registry->output->getTemplate('ccs_global')->articlePages( $_ttlPages, $_curPage, $_reconstructed ); return $txt; And that fix the error for now. But we gonna need the code at the line 144 for be sure if it's the same issue.
    1 point
  11. Care to offer any images? This is heavily customized from standard tutorials for this very topic.. which may leave users confused.
    1 point
  12. I think it is better now
    1 point
  13. Why is it saying account suspended! Can`t be that good at hosting if the account is suspended
    1 point
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