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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/06/2013 in all areas

  1. Have you ever wondered how to enable Facebook connect/login to your site? As in, people log in to your site via Facebook? Not to worry! I've got the ultimate solution. In this tutorial, I'll teach ya'll how to get a Facebook login! Just follow my steps carefully and conscientiously, hence they are pretty straight forward. Let's start off by registering as a Developer at Facebook. To do so, visit this link: https://developers.facebook.com/ Once you have opened that link, click on the Register Now button located on the far right above corner. Once you click on Register Now, on step 1 - "Accept the terms." Tick Facebook Platform Policy and the Facebook Privacy Policy. Then the next step should be, "Verify your account." After verifying your account, The next step should be "Tell us about you." Fill that in - it should be an easy one. After that step you should be at "Build your integration." There, you lieterally don't need to do anything, just press "Done" on the right, down corner. Once you press "Done" It will ask for your Facebook's password for security reasons. Put your password word in again. And press "Continue". Once you've putted your password in again, you should be redirected to this page: Now as you can see on the far right above corner, there is a button called " + Create New App" click it. Once you click it - you should see something like this: Where it says "App Name [?] " Type in your App's Name. For this tutorial we'll put it, WebFlakeCake. Once you've done that, skip "App Namespace" and leave "Web Hosting" unticked. Then press "Continue". Once you press continue - Facebook will ask for a security captcha. Fill in the captcha and continue. And then you should be redirected to your App's control sector. It should look something like this: Now where it says "Website with Facebook Login" right under "Select how your app integrates with Facebook", click on it. And it should expand. Where it says "Site URL:" type in your site's name and it must be ended with "/index.php". So for this example it will be, "http://webflakecake.com/index.php" Just as simple as that. Once you've putted that CORRECTLY click on "Save Changes" - right under. Now for the easy bits... Go to your IPB's Admin Control Panel (ACP). Once you are in ACP go to "System" => "System Settings". Now in the System tab, scroll down until you see "Social Media and Sharing" Click on it and the first thing you should see is "Facebook Connect". Under Facebook Connect, the first option should be "Enable Facebook Connect" Make sure that saved on Yes. Then there should be "Application ID" now for this part we'll need to go back to Facebook and get our App ID. To do so, go to: https://developers.facebook.com/apps/ and on the left hand side you should be your App you just created, click on it. And now where it says " App ID/API Key" there should be a fifteen digit number. Highlight and copy that. Once you've copied that, go back to your ACP and remember we left on the Facebook Connect page, on that tab where it says "Application ID" paste the App ID you just copied via Facebook. Then you should see "Secret key" after "Application ID". In "Secret Key" you do the same as "Application ID" but you copy the "App Secret". After we're done with "Secret" you should see "Default member group" - set that to Members. After that you should see "Facebook "bot" group" - set that to "Guests". Then you should see "Facebook javascript "locale" leave that as it is. After that see "Facebook "Real name/Display name" handling" set that to "Allow User's Choice". Now after that, scroll all the way down and click on "Update Settings". And that should enable Facebook connect for your site and it SHOULD work . Thanks for reading my tutorial, if you got any questions/concerns please comment in the comment section below and I will get back to you as soon as possible! And also if I forgot anything, I sincerely apologize. Just PM me it or as usual, comment to tell me it.
    1 point
  2. Go to ACP >> Look & Feel >> Choose Your Skin >> Go to Forum view and Select Forumindextemplate And Search for <tr class='header hide'> by pressing ctrl F you will see all this: <tr class='header hide'> <th scope='col' class='col_f_icon'>&nbsp;</th> <th scope='col' class='col_f_topic'>{$this->lang->words['forum_topic']}</th> <th scope='col' class='col_f_starter short'>{$this->lang->words['forum_started_by']}</th> <th scope='col' class='col_f_views stats'>{$this->lang->words['forum_stats']}</th> <if test="canSeeLastInfoHeader:|:$this->memberData['gbw_view_last_info']"><th scope='col' class='col_f_post'>{$this->lang->words['forum_last_post_info']}</th></if> <if test="topicsismod:|:$this->memberData['is_mod'] == 1"> <th scope='col' class='col_f_mod short'><input type='checkbox' id='tmod_all' class='input_check' title='{$this->lang->words['topic_select_all']}' value='1' /></th> </if> </tr> <!-- BEGIN TOPICS --> <if test="hastopics:|:is_array( $topic_data ) AND count( $topic_data )"> <foreach loop="topics:$topic_data as $tid => $data"> {parse template="topic" group="forum" params="$data, $forum_data, $other_data, $inforum"} </foreach>[/html] and replace with this: [html] <tr class='subhead altbar'> <th scope='col' colspan='<if test="endannouncements:|:$this->memberData['is_mod'] == 1">6<else />5</if>'> <if test="$this->hasPinned=0">Forum Topics</if><if test="$this->hasPinned=1">Pinned Topics</if> </th> </tr> </if> <!-- BEGIN TOPICS --> <if test="hastopics:|:is_array( $topic_data ) AND count( $topic_data )"> {parse striping="forumTable" classes="row1,row2"} <foreach loop="topics:$topic_data as $tid => $data"> <if test="$data['pinned']"> <if test="$this->hasPinned=1"> </if><else /> <if test="$this->hasPinned"> <if test="$this->hasPinned=0"> </if> <tr class='subhead altbar'> <th scope='col' colspan='<if test="endannouncements:|:$this->memberData['is_mod'] == 1">6<else />5</if>'> Forum Topics </th> </tr> </if> </if> {parse template="topic" group="forum" params="$data, $forum_data, $other_data, $inforum"} </foreach> preview:
    1 point
  3. A lot of you have commented on my artwork, especially the ones that have the diagonal lines across the signature. Many of you may already know this, but I am going to tell you how to do this. Just follow the steps below: [*]First: Open Photoshop or any image editing program that has the Pattern Stamp Tool. (I prefer Photoshop and if you don't have it, PM me and I can tell you how to get it for free!) [*]Second: Create a new document by navigating to File and then New or by simply using the hot key Ctrl + N. Once the you do this step, make the new document 4 pixels by 4 pixels and then make the background transparent. [*]Third: Use the Pencil tool to draw 4 dots diagonally across the document. Make sure the Pencil tool has a Size of 1 and a Hardness and Opacity of 100%. (Use the Zoom Tool to zoom in all the way.) [*]Then go to Edit, Define Pattern and click OK. Now, go to your banner and then go to the Pattern Stamp tool and select the diagonal line pattern you just created. (Make sure when your defining the pattern to name it something like Diagonal Line.) [*]Now set the Opacity of the Pattern Stamp Tool to 16% and enjoy your new design.
    1 point
  4. But if you have twelve Call of Duty subforums on your board, you win right?
    1 point
  5. hi go acp>skin>>skin boardindextemplate find: ipb.global.registerMarker( "forum_img_{$forum_data['id']}", "{$forum_data['img_new_post']}", markerURL + "&forumid={$forum_data['id']}" ); </if> </if> </foreach> </if> </foreach> </if>//]]></script> Change all the codes below it <div class='boxOut'><div class='boxIn'><h4 class='maintitle clearfix'><img style="position: relative; margin: -2px 3px -2px 0;" alt="" src="http://www.pcaraci.com/public/style_images/baisik/icon_usersonline.png"><ul id='stat_links' class='ipsList_inline right ipsType_small'> <if test="statsLinks:|:1==1"> <!-- Hook point --> <li><a href="{parse url="app=forums&amp;module=extras&amp;section=stats&amp;do=leaders" base="public"}" title="{$this->lang->words['sm_forum_leaders_title']}">{$this->lang->words['sm_forum_leaders']}</a></li> <li><a href="{parse url="app=forums&amp;module=extras&amp;section=stats" base="public"}" title="{$this->lang->words['sm_all_posters_title']}">{$this->lang->words['sm_today_posters']}</a></li> <li><a href="{parse url="app=members&amp;module=list&amp;max_results=20&amp;sort_key=posts&amp;sort_order=desc&amp;filter=ALL" base="public" seotitle="false"}" title="{$this->lang->words['sm_overall_posters_title']}">{$this->lang->words['sm_overall_posters']}</a></li> <if test="reputationEnabled:|:$this->settings['reputation_enabled']"> <li> <a href="{parse url="app=members&amp;module=reputation&amp;section=most" base="public" template="most_liked" seotitle="most_liked"}"> <if test="reputationType:|:$this->settings['reputation_point_types'] == 'like'"> {$this->lang->words['most_rep_likes']} <else /> {$this->lang->words['most_rep_rep']} </if> </a> </li> </if> </if></ul><if test="showActive:|:$this->settings['show_active'] && $this->memberData['gbw_view_online_lists']">{parse expression="sprintf( $this->lang->words['online_right_now'], $stats['TOTAL'] )"} {$this->lang->words['active_users']}</if></h4><div id='board_statistics' class='statistics clearfix' style='border:0; margin: 0;'><div style='position: relative; padding-right: 271px; min-height: 104px;'><div class='idxStats'><ul><li class='clear'> <strong>{$this->lang->words['total_posts']}</strong> <span class='value'>{$stats['info']['total_posts']}</span> </li> <li class='clear'> <strong>{$this->lang->words['total_members']}</strong> <span class='value'>{$stats['info']['mem_count']}</span> </li> <li class='clear'> <strong>{$this->lang->words['newest_member']}</strong>{IPSMember::makeProfileLink( $stats['info']['last_mem_name'], $stats['info']['last_mem_id'], $stats['info']['last_mem_seo'], 'value' )} </li> <li class='clear' data-tooltip="{$stats['info']['most_time']}"> <strong>{$this->lang->words['online_at_once']}</strong> <span class='value'>{$stats['info']['most_online']}</span> </li></ul></div></h4><if test="$this->settings['show_active']"><p class='statistics_brief desc'> {parse expression="sprintf( $this->lang->words['active_users_detail'], $stats['MEMBERS'], $stats['GUESTS'], $stats['ANON'] )"} <if test="onlineListEnabled:|:$this->settings['allow_online_list']">&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href='{parse url="app=members&amp;module=online&amp;sort_order=desc" base="public"}'>({$this->lang->words['online_link']})</a> </if></p></if><if test="activeNames:|:count($stats['NAMES']) && $this->settings['show_active']"> <br /> <p> <span class='name'>{parse expression="implode( ",</span> <span class='name'>", $stats['NAMES'] )"}</span> </p></if></div></div></div></div> go skin ipbbstyle.css: Add at the bottom of: .idxStats {position:absolute;right: -8px;top: -8px;bottom: -8px;border-left:1px solid #EAEAEA;background:#feffff;width:270px;font-size:11.2px}.idxStats ul {margin:0;padding:0}.idxStats li {display:block;padding:8px 0 8px 15px;margin:0;border-bottom:1px solid #EAEAEA;overflow:hidden}.idxStats li strong {float:left;width:110px;font-weight:bold}
    1 point
  6. So are movies, but it doesn't negate the fact that the injuries are real -- or that a lot of the maneuvers are dangerous and/or painful.
    1 point
  7. Isn't this a question you should be asking your hosting company, instead of us?
    1 point
  8. In your skin's ipb_styles.css, find : table.ipb_table .subforums { margin: 2px 0 3px 5px; padding-left: 20px; background: url({style_images_url}/subforum_stem.png ) no-repeat left 4px;} table.ipb_table .subforums li.unread { font-weight: bold; } and replace with this: table.ipb_table .subforums { margin: 2px 0 3px 0px; padding-left: 0px; overflow: hidden;}table.ipb_table .subforums li{ background: url({style_images_url}/subforum_nonew.png) no-repeat left 3px; width: 38%; padding: 1px 17px 4px; margin: 0; float: left;}table.ipb_table .subforums li.unread { font-weight: bold; background-image: url({style_images_url}/subforum_new.png);} Save. Then upload the attached images to your skin's style_images folder and you're done.
    1 point
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