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Alright, lets say that you are a blithering idiot and you completely forgot your ACP password after a wild party or something regarding that or anything else, but who knows. Anyhow in this tutorial I'll teach you how to get access back to your ACP and reset your password to something more appropriate for you brain. Alright, lets start off. Things you'll need: [*]FileZilla FTP Client ( or anyother ) [*]Access to FTP [*]A Brain Things you'll need to do, in order to get your access back. First off, you will need to change your ACP's like to something completely random. For this tutorial's purpose, we'll name it "webflakecake". ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- < SKIP THIS IF YOU KNOW HOW TO CHANGE YOUR ACP'S LINK > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now if you don't know how to change your ACP's link you can do one of the following: The Harder Way: Go to your FTP client, login and go to /public_html & rename the admin dir, for test purposes we'll rename the admin dir to "webflakecake". Once admin dir is renamed go to "initdata.php" and right click then view/edit. Once "initdata.php" is opened press CTRL+F and type in if ( !defined( 'CP_DIRECTORY' ) ) and hit enter. Once you've found that, under it you should see { define( 'CP_DIRECTORY', 'admin' );} Now where it says admin ( AS DEFAULT ) rename that to something else, for this tutorial's purpose, we'll rename it to "webflakecake". Now close it and save it. Once you've done that your ACP link SHOULD be changed. Now test it before we continue. The Easy Way: Go to your FTP client, login and go to /public_html & rename the admin dir, for test purposes we'll rename the admin dir to "webflakecake". Now go to /public_html again and create a new file called "constants.php" Once that file is created, open it and add the following: <?phpdefine( 'CP_DIRECTORY', 'admin' ); Now where it says admin rename it to the thing you renamed your ACP dir to. And that was "webflakecake". So we will rename the admin to "webflakecake". Close it and press save. And viola! Your ACP dir/link SHOULD be changed, now before we continue check it, and see if it works. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- < SKIP THIS IF YOU KNOW HOW TO CHANGE YOUR ACP'S LINK > ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ok, now your ACP's link/dir is changed. Now you will need to remove the ACP's login, or should I say "BYPASS" it.. either way will do. To do so, do the following: Open: admin/sources/base/ipsRegistry.php and find: $validationStatus = self::member()->sessionClass()->getStatus();$validationMessage = self::member()->sessionClass()->getMessage(); Replace with: $validationStatus = true;#self::member()->sessionClass()->getStatus();$validationMessage = self::member()->sessionClass()->getMessage();self::$handles['member']->setMember(1); Replace the number 1 with the desired member ID to log in with all the time. After doing that, your ACP login SHOULD be disabled or removed. Now once that is done, head over to Members tab and find your profile, click on it. Now where it says, "Password" next to it, you should see a Pencil, click on that and type in your new password and re-type in your new password. And that SHOULD change your pass. Once that is done, your account should be restored and you should have access to ACP. BUT WAIT! You forgot to REMOVE the bypass for your ACP login. Even though the ACP's link is something completely random, there is always a creepy risk. To add the login back to your ACP, go to admin/sources/base/ipsRegistry.php and find: $validationStatus = true;#self::member()->sessionClass()->getStatus();$validationMessage = self::member()->sessionClass()->getMessage();self::$handles['member']->setMember(1); Replace With: $validationStatus = self::member()->sessionClass()->getStatus();$validationMessage = self::member()->sessionClass()->getMessage(); Close and save it. And that should bring back the ACP protection, as in login back. I hope this tutorial helped you guys. If you like this tut give me a +1, that wouldn't hurt . If I've done anything wrong in the tut, please mention in the comment section below so i can check on it, or you could PM me. Either way will do. Anyways, have a nice day and good luck! Tutorial made my me (Exterminator), completely from scratch. If you are going to use this tutorial, please give me some credit.2 points
In all seriousness, this forum software and skin was built from scratch by the staff of WebFlake. It is not compatible with any of the applications by IPS, so all of the applications were required to be built from scratch. Here are some highlights of this new, cutting edge software: [*]Since Paradizee spent long hours working on it, we have named it Insomniac Paradizee Board (IP.Board for short) [*]Purple designed a new cookie-storage system which involves the use of actual cookies. Smugfly gained 25 pounds while beta testing this system. [*]Justin developed an all-new control panel named Access Controlled for Phun (ACP for short). Basically, it provides a fake control panel for Phun to mess around in, while giving the staff piece of mind that he can't destroy anything. [*]Cody developed the Report System, which has a great new feature which automatically places all members who have filed reports about other members in the "drama queen" secondary group. [*]Evarni designed the all-new Donation system - which not only gives donating members special privileges here at WebFlake - portions of all donations are automatically used toward the monthly renewals of Evarni's membership at Geek Girls Gone Wild. [*]Hidden Ninja worked behind the scenes, and we're actually not sure what in the hell he did. He is, after all, Ninja. [*]Jrock designed the Favicon. We made him think he was the only staff member who knew how to spell "W". Disclaimer: No actual ponies were hurt in the development of this website. If you suffer from an erection lasting more than 6 hours - whoo hoo! This site may cause women to become barren and heighten the sensitivity of nipples in men. If you see elephants, please call animal control. Not to be used while skydiving. WebFlake has been associated with steady weight gain. Children who are prone to stupidity should avoid using WebFlake. We are not responsible if your anus becomes red or irritated.2 points
There are two methods of fix go to ACP -> Look & Feel -> choose skin -> Manage Template & CSS - Editor and click Revert EditorloadJS or add to the EditorloadJS template <script type="text/javascript">IPS_extra_plugins = [];</script> This will fix the editor box missing and the reply functions not working. It is basically down to the skin not being compatable with 3.4.x1 point
Users who have the hook installed with their IPB 3.4.x package, may have noticed an oddity with their View New Content page (something similar to the image below): If you are experiencing this issue, it is caused by the aforementioned hook. You'll need to make one small edit and you'll be all set. Navigate to: <Your IPB Root>/Hooks/tbGfSkinSearch_xxxxx.php [*]The "xxxxx" substitutes the string of random characters attached to your file. Find this line: $data['last_poster'] = $data['last_poster_id'] ? IPSMember::makeProfileLink( TBGroupFormat::makeNameFormatted( $data, $data['last_poster_name'], $data['last_poster_group'], 'last_poster_id' ), $data['last_poster_id'], $data['seo_last_name'] ) : $this->settings['guest_name_pre'] . $data['last_poster_name'] . $this->settings['guest_name_suf']; ... and replace it with this: /*$data['last_poster'] = $data['last_poster_id'] ? IPSMember::makeProfileLink( TBGroupFormat::makeNameFormatted( $data, $data['last_poster_name'], $data['last_poster_group'], 'last_poster_id' ), $data['last_poster_id'], $data['seo_last_name'] ) : $this->settings['guest_name_pre'] . $data['last_poster_name'] . $this->settings['guest_name_suf'];*/ Save your edit, and refresh your page -- fixed! I strongly recommend downloading a copy of the file, making the edit, and then re-uploading it to avoid any issues with the upload. Editing the file inside of FTP programs such as Filezilla is not always efficient. [*]Credits to Paradiizee for working with me to find a fix for this. Be sure to thank him! [*]Please Note: This is only a temporary fix until the hook's original author makes the appropriate updates for full 3.4.x support.1 point
Small poem ------------------------------------- Roses are red Violets are Blue WebFlake is awesome So are you! --------------------------------------- Now you guys gimme some small poems as well!1 point
I believe what Imperious wants is a way for members to change the group that they display as, in the event that the member belongs to more than one group. For example, if I belong to "ImBad" and "ImGood" (each with its own group image/title), I would have the ability to choose which group I would display as.1 point
This is the easiest fucking thing, come on dude. REPLACE THE IMAGE, BY ANOTHER IMAGE. HOLY SHIT. Post above me is right.1 point
Not likely, considering virtually every hook/app is developed by users, and not IPS themselves. The chances of any callbacks to IPS' servers is virtually null. If I'm wrong, anyone is free to correct me.1 point
Yeah, I saw the trailer and thought it was complete shit. Unsure if it's worth the watch considering I hate zombies1 point
Ontopic - I have updated my forums now, pretty much rearranged them all.. Tell me what you guys think now?? Offtopic - Technically my board is still in development, that is why we have so much testing on the IP.Content application and this is also why so many skins still have default logos. Thanks for looking over the site though, I will reveal it all (when its finished) in the "Website Reviews" forum..1 point
You want to hide the color picker of your skin? Ok do the next one Go to ACP - > Look & Feel > Manage Skin Sets & Templates > Your skin name Then Global Templates and then _ipbfsConfig Find the line <if test="$this->settings['colorPicker']='yes'"></if> and change to <if test="$this->settings['colorPicker']='no'"></if> Finished ! Credits goes to AmOn1 point
1 point
Part One: Preparation 1) First of all, you should turn your board offline to prevent users from adding content during the transfer. 2) You should ensure that your new server meets the requirements for IP.Board.The requirements, along with a script which can check those requirements can be found here. You should check what the MySQL version is for your current server, and what it is for your new server - your host will be able to provide this information for you if you are unsure what versions you have. If the version for the new server is newer than the old server, then you should be okay. If it is older, you will need to perform a compatibility backup when you get to step 4. Part Two: Downloading Data 4) Backup your database using your preferred method. IPS recommends using phpMyAdmin which is a popular database management tool available on many hosts. If you have a particularly small forum, there is a backup tool in your Admin CP under the "Support" tab - but this may not work with larger databases. If you are in any doubt talk to your host. 5) Using FTP, download all of the files from your current server, preserving the directory structure. Part Three: Uploading Data 6) Create a blank database on your new server, note the username, password and database name. 7) Upload and import your MySQL using your preferred method. You can use a tool such as bigdump to import the database. 8) Upload all of the files you downloaded in step 5 to your new server, preserving the directory structure. Part Four: Final Steps 9) If you are keeping the same URL, transfer your domain to the new server. Your new host and domain name provider will be able to provide assistance with this. Note that it will likely take up to 24 hours for the domain name to fully propagate. 10) On the new server, open the conf_global.php and fill in your new database details as created in step 6. The particular variables you need to edit are: $INFO['sql_database']$INFO['sql_user']$INFO['sql_pass']$INFO['sql_host']$INFO['board_url'] 11) In your Admin CP, go to the "Support" tab and select "Permissions Checker" - fix any problems it reports. 12) In your Admin CP, go to the "System" tab and select "System Settings" - go to the "General Configuration" group and change the "Upload path" and "Upload URL" as required. If you use IP.Blog, IP.Gallery, IP.Downloads, IP.Content or IP.Nexus - you should also go into their respective settings and change any relevant paths. 13) In your Admin CP, go to the "System" tab and select "Cache Management" - press the "Recache All" button. 14) In your Admin CP, go to the "Look & Feel" tab and select "Template Tools" - press the "Recache Skin Sets" button. 15) Check you can access your board, and if so, turn it back online.1 point
1 point
I wrote the core files with my ninja spikes Unfortunately, they are not stable and trying to copy my core files will make your site go boom.1 point
So you're being clever You're making a mistake I just nailed my 200th post Here comes the real Big Flake. Disclaimer: I'm not responsible for any face-palming that may ensue from this poem.1 point
1 point
There's a mod that does this but, I usually just hard code it into the global template. Find this: and replace with this: The add this to you skin's ipb_stles.css file: #user_navigation .user_photo{ position: relative; height: 24px; width: auto; margin: -0px -2px 0px 10px; /* adjust as needed*/ padding: 1px; border: 1px solid #d5d5d5; background: #fff; -webkit-box-shadow: 0px 2px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.1); -moz-box-shadow: 0px 2px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.1); box-shadow: 0px 2px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.1); }1 point
Announcements should be at the forefront of that list.. I may be OCD, but most relevant links/information should always be at the top.1 point
1 point
Yes, guest only be able to view categories, forums and subforums but, never read topics until they register. If they can read, and possibly download from, topics, why would they need to registered.1 point