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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/26/2013 in all areas

  1. In all seriousness, this forum software and skin was built from scratch by the staff of WebFlake. It is not compatible with any of the applications by IPS, so all of the applications were required to be built from scratch. Here are some highlights of this new, cutting edge software: [*]Since Paradizee spent long hours working on it, we have named it Insomniac Paradizee Board (IP.Board for short) [*]Purple designed a new cookie-storage system which involves the use of actual cookies. Smugfly gained 25 pounds while beta testing this system. [*]Justin developed an all-new control panel named Access Controlled for Phun (ACP for short). Basically, it provides a fake control panel for Phun to mess around in, while giving the staff piece of mind that he can't destroy anything. [*]Cody developed the Report System, which has a great new feature which automatically places all members who have filed reports about other members in the "drama queen" secondary group. [*]Evarni designed the all-new Donation system - which not only gives donating members special privileges here at WebFlake - portions of all donations are automatically used toward the monthly renewals of Evarni's membership at Geek Girls Gone Wild. [*]Hidden Ninja worked behind the scenes, and we're actually not sure what in the hell he did. He is, after all, Ninja. [*]Jrock designed the Favicon. We made him think he was the only staff member who knew how to spell "W". Disclaimer: No actual ponies were hurt in the development of this website. If you suffer from an erection lasting more than 6 hours - whoo hoo! This site may cause women to become barren and heighten the sensitivity of nipples in men. If you see elephants, please call animal control. Not to be used while skydiving. WebFlake has been associated with steady weight gain. Children who are prone to stupidity should avoid using WebFlake. We are not responsible if your anus becomes red or irritated.
    4 points
  2. Firefox. Much more developer friendly than Chrome, and it also has a better feel to it. It's also faster than Chrome (for me at least). I used Chrome for a month or two, but it was constantly crashing, so I went back to FireFox.
    2 points
  3. Im still on FireFox. Just never used Chrome enough to start using it everyday.
    2 points
  4. Veterans should also be proficient in using the search feature. By utilizing this feature, members can find helpful topics like the Veteran Members - Information topic that Corona and Sanctuary linked to. It also would have located the previously-posted How to be a Veteran? topic, which would prevent duplicate topics regarding the same subject matter from being made.
    2 points
  5. Well hello there! Nowhere in this silly IP.Board installation will you find a setting to change the output count of the recent topics hook, actually to change it you have to manually edit a file every single time! No more, because with this little tutorial, we're gonna add a setting so you can easily change the number of recent topics shown. ====================================================================== Step 1. Log in to your Admin Control Panel. Go to System Settings and press the "Add new Setting Group" Button. Step 2. Fill out the form like you see in the image below: Step 3. Go to that setting (found in the "Hooks" tab) and click it. Hit the "Add New Setting" button. Step 4. Fill that form out with the following values: (Leave the rest blank) Step 5. You're done in the Admin CP. Open your FTP Program and locate the following file: /admin/applications/forums/sources/classes/forums/class_forums.php In that file you want to find (CTRL+F) the word "topicCount". You will see this: Step 6. Replace the code from step 5 with the following: http://pastebin.com/npmtpfNY Once you're finished, it should look like this: Step 7. Save the file and re-upload it. Overwrite the old file. You're now done! Try changing the value in the settings and you'll see it works like a charm. Tutorial by Phun ©WebFlake.net - If you want to publish this tutorial elsewhere, please mention our website as source.
    1 point
  6. Before we became WebFlake, there were actually several site names/logos rejected by the staff. I am going to reveal them to you, and the reason they were rejected. WebPhlake: This was Phun's original suggestion. Apparently, the letter 'F' doesn't work properly on Phun's keyboard. Either that or he is an idiot. The staff is still debating this. Bierberlandia: This was Purple's idea. Honestly, we all sometimes wonder if Purple understands that this is not a Justin Bieber fansite. Leech n Die: Justin suggested this one, and Hidden Ninja insisted on a Green Lantern-style logo and theme. We decided to go with something a little more subtle. ScriptCraft: Jrock thought it would be a cool idea to offer scripts and Minecraft servers. He is currently modding the site from a mental institution somewhere in the midwest. Hookers!!!: This was my suggestion. It almost won the vote, but Phun was worried that people would upload pictures of prostitutes instead of skins, applications etc. I had no problem with that at all.
    1 point
  7. Well glad to know it's not just me, I will see what I can do while waiting.
    1 point
  8. Generally, I use a semi transparent background image that pretty much complements the body background image. I'll pm them to you so you can try them out.
    1 point
  9. As Davlin said, the staff can pull items from the old backup database if you request something we had on FC.
    1 point
  10. Last I knew, if you had something specific you were interested in that you're positive was available on FC, you could make a request for it and one of the Staff members can yank it from a backup database. Whether that still stands or not, I haven't a clue. You'll want to ask for *official* confirmation.
    1 point
  11. Alright so let's get this straight.. IF You got access to FTP, you life is saved. Follow the following ( if you got access to FTP ):You'll personally need to rename the admin dir to something completely different, that you only know and just made up. Once you've done that. You would want to remove your ACP login. So basically when you visit the ACP link, there will be no ACP login, you just "bypass" the login for ACP. To do that, do this:Open: admin/sources/base/ipsRegistry.php and find: $validationStatus = self::member()->sessionClass()->getStatus();$validationMessage = self::member()->sessionClass()->getMessage();Replace with:$validationStatus = true;#self::member()->sessionClass()->getStatus();$validationMessage = self::member()->sessionClass()->getMessage();self::$handles['member']->setMember(1);Replace the number 1 with the desired member ID to log in with all the time. Ok now ACP login is officially removed. BUT remember you "RENAMED" the admin cp and you only know what it is. Do go your admin cp link and there should be no login there. Now head over to members and choose your profile and override your password to something you will know more commonly. I hope I helped.
    1 point
  12. Hello, Here is a tut for edit a template for one group or more. For exemple here is the message : "Hello world" Just add the id of the group you want : they can't see the message if they're ID are in it. For one group : <if test="$this->memberData['member_group_id'] != 2"><p> Hello world </p></if> (All group will see that except the group with ID #2) For few groups : <if test="!in_array( $this->memberData['member_group_id'], array( 4, 2 ) )"><div class="msg"><p> Hello world </p></div></if> (All group will see that except the group with ID #4, #2) Ex : After, you can make a custom message/template/etc.. everywhere Feel free to do what you want !
    1 point
  13. Use forgot password system or then via Direct Admin via database you can change it
    1 point
  14. The password for the ACP should be the same as your forum account.. so why not use the Forgot Password option?
    1 point
  15. Favicons usually take a (long) while to actually show up for everybody, it's only natural. I remember there being a method or plug-in or something for you to show you favicon instantly, but I think it was for MyBB.
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Well, on the upside for you Firefox users, it's still far better than IE. Chrome and Firefox have been on a whole new level for years, while IE continues to trudge along behind.
    1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. I've stuck it out with Chrome, primarily for Inspect Element and the integration with Gmail and YouTube. It can be a memory hog at times, but nowhere near the level of Firefox..
    1 point
  20. And pretty sure since 3.4.3 is still in beta, it's not the most "secure" of the bunch.
    1 point
  21. Best... post... ever! Made my day
    1 point
  22. Okay, just making sure . Update: And also, a big thing that ensures in members actually joining the forum is making sure that they know what the forum is all about/there for when members visit! Such as a guest message, or making it clear with your logo and a description next to it and etc.
    1 point
  23. No! That's not what I mean. Hold on. Forumpromotion, forumhour, promotion-box, and many more I have on my list are there souly for the promotion of your own sites and your thread can be bumped once a day! I hate it when forums spam and neglect rules on other forums, what I'm doing is what the forum wanted/wants me to do!
    1 point
  24. You'll lose the values that IPB needs to connect to your database.
    1 point
  25. You can either download your whole pubic_html folder and export your database, or you can do a complete backup with your host. After that, upload everything in the "upload" folder of the new version, and then go to http://(yourwebsite.com)/upgrade and everything that phun said lol.
    1 point
  26. As your topic appears to be a support topic for IP.Board, we have moved it to the appropriate forum.
    1 point
  27. Wow thanks so much for this quick fixed. I really missed this Hook on my board and get tired of waiting for the author to relased a fix for it.
    1 point
  28. http://hudsonvalleyhost.com/offshorevps.php I use this for all my "naughty" duties.
    1 point
  29. Haha yeah man, I got mine from some hacking website I found awhile back.
    1 point
  30. Try this: http://www.vpscheap.net/linux-unmetered.aspx
    1 point
  31. www.ixam-hosting.com
    1 point
  32. http://www.ovh.co.uk/dedicated_servers/kimsufi.xml Take a look there maybe...
    1 point
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