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Hello everyone, Welcome to WebFlake. Our team has worked hard to get everything done and this is the result. Alot of features may still be in development and will be added later, but for now what needs to work, works. We hope you all like it and start filling the site with interesting information, discussions and more. The whole staff team is looking forward to see this site bloom into something amazing. Former Donators Please send me a Personal Message with your paypal email in it. You will get more details later. I will probably handle all the donator requests MONDAY (Tomorrow) and answer all of you with more details. For now there is no content added yet so it does not make a real difference. Please enjoy the site and be patient. Downloads As you can see, everything is gone. We still have the old ForumCore backup though, so we can get everything back. If you have a request for something, please post it in the request forum. Bug Reports If you see any bugs, please report them by sending a PM to Paradiizee! Make sure to include URL of where it happened and how to reproduce the bug(s). We're very excited to see you guys on our new site, so i hope you'll all like it. Thanks for waiting so patiently! - WebFlake Staff3 points
Hello Guys! A lot of you have been wondering why you lost all of your stuff, why we decided to start over and why things are a little different now. To answer all of these questions conveniently, i've split this topic up in sections. What happened to all my content? All your posts, topics, tutorials, etc. are secure. We haven't lost ANY data from ForumCore and if you want us to restore some of your old stuff, we're just a PM away! We also have all downloads from the old site so if you want to have something you KNOW was in the old DL system, just make a request and we'll have it for ya. Why did you start fresh? Because we all agreed (we all as in me and the rest of the staff team) to do so. It was the most secure thing we could do after all the fuss that happened with ForumCore. We wanted to start again, do things right and minimize the security risks. We donated for FC, not WF.. What the Flake?! Yes and No. Let me explain: The donations we needed at the last moment were raised at FC, to fund a new VPS to host WebFlake. Thanks to your generous donations we have raised enough money to fund this VPS for a few months, however we also wanted to spend some of the income on resources for donators. So what will happen to former FC donators? Well, don't you worry! You'll get your Donator status back. Just send me a Personal Message and include your old donator email (paypal email) in it. I will sort everything out later. What i can tell you right now is that old LIFETIME donators won't be getting the donator benefits for life anymore. To sustain the website and make sure donators have access to cool stuff, we need to go back to a monthly charge. However, previous donators who expected to get the upgrade for life, will get it for 3 months for free on WebFlake. I will start processing the previous donators shortly. I hope i've informed you enough with this topic. If you have any questions, askt hem below and i'll answer them. -Phun2 points
It will make the forum unusable. If that is what you want. In the admin panel you can delete the forums posts and members Forums > Manage Forums Members > Manage Members > Viewing Member List (find and prune by group or ??)2 points
Not gonna want to "Spam" this forum, so i'll just put majority of my stuff in this post for what i have now. comments are appreciated. Oldest to newest:1 point
One of the most important elements of a website - and one that often overlooked - is the site favicon. In this tutorial, I will give you tips for creating the favicon file, and then show you how to install it on your IPB site. What is a favicon? The favicon is your website icon. This is the icon that shows up in the browser tab when someone is browsing your site. It is also the icon that shows up in the bookmark toolbar. In my opinion, the site favicon is equal in importance to your site logo - as it gives your site and/or brand graphical recognition. Creating a site favicon The size of your favicon should be 64x64. In the past, favicons were commonly 16x16 or 32x32. However, with the introduction of Windows 8, sites pinned to the "metro" interface require a 64x64 favicon in order to be displayed on the tile. Don't worry, a 64x64 favicon will not affect the way your favicon looks on a traditional desktop browser. If you want to use a pre-existing image as a favicon, the best thing to do is to download a .png image that you like, adjust it so that it is 64x64, and then save it using the file name favicon.ico You can also use the favicon.ico Generator website for help. Installing your favicon Now you need to install your favicon. Using your FTP program you will need to upload your favicon to your board directory. Most commonly, you will simply need to over-write the existing favicon.ico with your own in your forum's "home" folder. Just look for the file conf_global.php and you'll know you're in the right place. You should also see the default favicon.ico in that folder. You might also see an additional favicon.ico file in your Admin folder. Replace that as well. Initializing your favicon In most cases, when you upload a new favicon it will not show up on your website right away. I have seen this process take 24 to 72 hours to complete. So don't panic if you're not seeing your new favicon right away. However, there is a trick to see if you've installed your favicon correctly. On your sites homepace, add /favicon.ico to the end or your url. For example, you might type When you do this, you should see your pre-existing favicon. Do a hard refresh of your browser by pressing CTL+F5. Now you should see your new favicon. Now go to your site and press CTL+F5 again. This may (or may not) initialize your new favicon right away. If not, as I said earlier, it can take several hours.1 point
That post of mine . . . it just won the internet. You can all go home now.1 point
The use of the word "flake" is in direct relation to the symbolism of the "snowflake". As most people are aware, each individual snowflake is different from the next. So when this concept is applied to this website, you're basically talking about its members as figurative flakes, coming from all kinds of different races, creeds, sex, national origins etc. But when you combine all of these members together, they form a greater whole . . just like a snow-covered street. So when you look at it from the perspective that the site itself is a street, and it's members are snowflakes, you will discover the actual concept of the title WebFlake. However, on the other hand, if you want to get really literal about it, you have to refer to The Bible. In the Book of Job, there is a famous quote that says "The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away". When you look at this quote, you really get the meaning behind the word "Flake". Consider that The Bible is filled with ash, pillars of salt, sand . . but there are no Flakes in The Bible. According to the Good Book, there is no snow (at least not much of it). Of course, this might be attributed to most of the story taking place in the desert. But that's the beauty of it. You see, being "Flakes" we are better than the sand . . better than the ash . . better than the pillars of salt. In fact we're better than the scriptures itself. When it comes right down to it, anyone who has read this far into this total waste of space answer I am typing is, quite frankly, out of their damn minds.1 point
It is probably because you are using full editor. If you type the [ code] link [ /code] by hand it should work. Seems the other way always gives an active link.1 point
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This update was worth it, ForumCore (now WebFlake) became a complete renewal - I am positively surprised. Good job guys.1 point
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Haa! You! There's a graphics section in the webmaster category, if you're willing to share PSD's and whatnot you can even upload them in the Downloads System! The donator perks are actually listed in this same forum, go look for them (it's an awesome adventure).1 point
Phew*, for a minute I thought I was being accused of something. I haven't really had the capability to start advertising though, if there are any different kinds of methods be sure to let me know! I have used Twitter, Google SEO Optimization, Meta keywords and etc, and Facebook. But that's about it so far.1 point
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Hey Guys! I think , we need downloads categories [NULLED] [RETAIL] IPB 3.3 IPB 3.2 THANK YOU!1 point