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Hello Guys! A lot of you have been wondering why you lost all of your stuff, why we decided to start over and why things are a little different now. To answer all of these questions conveniently, i've split this topic up in sections. What happened to all my content? All your posts, topics, tutorials, etc. are secure. We haven't lost ANY data from ForumCore and if you want us to restore some of your old stuff, we're just a PM away! We also have all downloads from the old site so if you want to have something you KNOW was in the old DL system, just make a request and we'll have it for ya. Why did you start fresh? Because we all agreed (we all as in me and the rest of the staff team) to do so. It was the most secure thing we could do after all the fuss that happened with ForumCore. We wanted to start again, do things right and minimize the security risks. We donated for FC, not WF.. What the Flake?! Yes and No. Let me explain: The donations we needed at the last moment were raised at FC, to fund a new VPS to host WebFlake. Thanks to your generous donations we have raised enough money to fund this VPS for a few months, however we also wanted to spend some of the income on resources for donators. So what will happen to former FC donators? Well, don't you worry! You'll get your Donator status back. Just send me a Personal Message and include your old donator email (paypal email) in it. I will sort everything out later. What i can tell you right now is that old LIFETIME donators won't be getting the donator benefits for life anymore. To sustain the website and make sure donators have access to cool stuff, we need to go back to a monthly charge. However, previous donators who expected to get the upgrade for life, will get it for 3 months for free on WebFlake. I will start processing the previous donators shortly. I hope i've informed you enough with this topic. If you have any questions, askt hem below and i'll answer them. -Phun3 points
I understand that many users are not creative nor have the skills to use Photoshop, I used to be able to relate to this a time ago. To be honest, Photoshop is quite easy to master if you take the actual time to sit down and look around at it for a bit. So I made this a bit easier for everyone that needs help. Below are links to sites that hold logos for sites that you are able to edit in Photoshop since it being a PSD file. Sites with PSD Logos In order to edit these logos, you need to have a version of Photoshop, a nulled one is fine, here is a link You are going to want to follow the instructions on that page or within the file on how to install it, it is easy. ------------------ Now, inorder to edit the photos you need to place them inside of Photoshop. Doing this is simple, just open Photoshop and drag and drop the logo PSD into the program. From here its all cake, go over to the left to the side bar and look for this symbol: Click on that symbol above and move over the text you want to edit on the logo, or if you want to remove something. The stuff like images, backgrounds, etc are all called "Layers" so they should have that in their names. Click the text and right click it, it will show the box above and say the text inside the little dropdown as shown above. Click the text you want to edit as show and then save the image as a .png and name it logo.png. This is when you place the logo in your FTP where your themes logo is to replace it. Doing all of this gives you a nice and new logo.2 points
2 points
Example of what the footer will look like: How To:1) Log into your ACP and to click on the 'Look & Feel' tab. Chose the skin you want to add the footer to.2) Click on 'globalTemplate' and find the following code: <if test="showdebuglevel:|:$this->memberData['member_id'] and $this->settings['debug_level']"> <div id='ipsDebug_footer'> <strong>{$this->lang->words['time_now']}</strong> {$footer_items['time']}Once you've found that code, add the following code above the code you just found: <!-- Footer --><div id='siteinfo' class='main_width'><div id="siteinfo-company" class='left ipsPad_double'> <h3>Link Section</h3> <ul> <li><a href="#">Link</a></li> <li><a href="#">Link</a></li> <li><a href="#">Link</a></li> <li><a href="#">Link</a></li> </ul></div><div id="siteinfo-community" class='left ipsPad_double'> <h3>Link Section</h3> <ul> <li><a href="#">Link</a></li> <li><a href="#">Link</a></li> <li><a href="#">Link</a></li> <li><a href="#">Link</a></li> </ul></div><div id="siteinfo-social" class='left ipsPad_double'> <h3>Link Section</h3> <ul> <li><a href="#">Link</a></li> <li><a href="#">Link</a></li> <li><a href="#">Link</a></li> <li><a href="#">Link</a></li> </ul></div><div id="siteinfo-account" class='left ipsPad_double'> <h3>Link Section</h3> <ul> <li><a href="#">Link</a></li> <li><a href="#">Link</a></li> <li><a href="#">Link</a></li> <li><a href="#">Link</a></li> </ul></div><div id="siteinfo-content" class='right ipsPad_double'> <h3>Site Info</h3> <p class="copyright">© 2012 - 2013 <a href="#">Your Site</a><br><!-- Copyright Information --> <p id='copyright'> </p> <!-- / Copyright --> </p></div><!-- Footer end -->3) Once done with that, save your progress. Then, head over to the CSS tab and click on 'ipb_styles.css'On this step, you can add this code anywhere you want, but I suggest adding it near the bottom. /* Footer */#siteinfo {color:#888;line-height:20px;overflow:hidden;margin:0 auto;padding:10px 12px;}#siteinfoa {color:#5A5A5A;border-bottom: 1px solid #5A5A5A;display: block;}#siteinfo a:hover {color:#000000;border-bottom: 1px solid #000000;display: block;}#siteinfo>div {float:left;margin-right:15px;}#siteinfo>#siteinfo-content {float:right;margin-right:0;}#siteinfoh3 {margin-bottom:8px;border-bottom: 2px solid #d9d9d9;padding-bottom: 8px;font-size:18px;font-weight:400;}#siteinfo li,#siteinfop {list-style:none;font-size:12px;line-height:150%;}/* Footer end */4) Save your footer and you're done!Note: You will need to change the <a href="#"> in the footer HTML in order for the links to work. Hope you found this useful. :smile:1 point
One of the most important elements of a website - and one that often overlooked - is the site favicon. In this tutorial, I will give you tips for creating the favicon file, and then show you how to install it on your IPB site. What is a favicon? The favicon is your website icon. This is the icon that shows up in the browser tab when someone is browsing your site. It is also the icon that shows up in the bookmark toolbar. In my opinion, the site favicon is equal in importance to your site logo - as it gives your site and/or brand graphical recognition. Creating a site favicon The size of your favicon should be 64x64. In the past, favicons were commonly 16x16 or 32x32. However, with the introduction of Windows 8, sites pinned to the "metro" interface require a 64x64 favicon in order to be displayed on the tile. Don't worry, a 64x64 favicon will not affect the way your favicon looks on a traditional desktop browser. If you want to use a pre-existing image as a favicon, the best thing to do is to download a .png image that you like, adjust it so that it is 64x64, and then save it using the file name favicon.ico You can also use the favicon.ico Generator website for help. Installing your favicon Now you need to install your favicon. Using your FTP program you will need to upload your favicon to your board directory. Most commonly, you will simply need to over-write the existing favicon.ico with your own in your forum's "home" folder. Just look for the file conf_global.php and you'll know you're in the right place. You should also see the default favicon.ico in that folder. You might also see an additional favicon.ico file in your Admin folder. Replace that as well. Initializing your favicon In most cases, when you upload a new favicon it will not show up on your website right away. I have seen this process take 24 to 72 hours to complete. So don't panic if you're not seeing your new favicon right away. However, there is a trick to see if you've installed your favicon correctly. On your sites homepace, add /favicon.ico to the end or your url. For example, you might type When you do this, you should see your pre-existing favicon. Do a hard refresh of your browser by pressing CTL+F5. Now you should see your new favicon. Now go to your site and press CTL+F5 again. This may (or may not) initialize your new favicon right away. If not, as I said earlier, it can take several hours.1 point
1 point
I dont know just keep looking here if you do - you need to download the converter for the ipb you want to convert to1 point
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Hello guy i have returned hopefully you guys remeber me i was a donator then respected member then a contributer on ForumCore. I really like the new site shame we have to start over so it's up to us to bring all the quality stuff back guys . Well guys Pm me if y'all ever need help. Will see you around .1 point
Hello WF I am Rebel, I've gone by a couple of aliases over the internet but I'd just like a clean slate on this site, I wasn't banned or any off that jazz from FC, on the contrary I was a donator. But I'd just like to introduce myself and give a little background knowledge. [*]I use IPB/MyBB [*]I've used HTML for 3 years [*]CSS for 2 [*]Learning PHP, and Python [*]I'm a gamer as well, (Xbox of course) [*]Retired Admin from a few sites, and yet I still moderate another bigger board [*]I've had over 5 aliases and such, I know quite a few of you here Well yeah, that's about it. I hope to contribute more than to take to this community. Thanks for the site, Rebel.1 point
There's also WebFlake's skin. At first I thought that Phun decided to use XenForo, but when I started scrolling around, I noticed that it was IP.Board. Who-ever made this skin, you did an amazing job. OT: I love IPB, simply due to the fact that it's the easiest to handle and has a wide range or mods, apps, skins, etc. It's also probably the one with the best looking interface. XenForo coming in 2nd.1 point
As it say is seems that you have a problem with the sql prefix in the smilie table. After that i don't know at all xenforo, but i think you can digg in this way. The converter don't output wich prefix it is trying to find ? (Because it just saying that "maybe" the sql prefix is wrong but not saying which prefix )1 point
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Well hello everyone, thanks for visiting my introduction post. Just like everyone else i'm also a member on this site which is why i'm doing a member introduction. Hmm, where to start. Why the name Phun? Well to be honest, i have really no idea why i took this name. Other people probably use it around the internet aswell and it's probably not unique. It's not from SouthPark's super Phun Thyme, that's for sure. I guess i saw it somewhere in the 2008-ish years and just went with it. And from then on, i've been using Phun as my alias on forums 'n stuff. I started interacting with IP.Board back when 2.3.6 was released. Together with a guy i met online, i created a very successful game hacking forum, called HackLegends. We sold "VIP" hacks there and we had a lot of VIP-Members and generally an awesome community. Unfortunately, the guy i started it with had to continue doing stuff in his personal life and left the site. Quickly after he left, we had nobody that could create a proper hack, so HackLegends had to close it's doors. (To make a long story short, HL was online for more years after he left, but it didn't take off as much, so we closed it.) Then, i decided to start something new. Something i had experience with and something i really wanted to make. IPBCore was born. I started it by myself, provided content for it (since back then, i still had an active IPS account but no more!) and started inviting and sharing some stuff around on other sites. Firstly some people joined IPBCore and before i knew it, IPBCore grew out to be one of the LARGEST communities for IP.Board related content in the world. But we wanted more, our members wanted more so i had to expand.. ForumCore was born! With 45 THOUSAND members to be one of the LARGEST online forum resources communities in the world, ranked around 18,000 in Alexa. But unfortunately due to some weird events that had happened i was forced to leave everything behind, FC got into trouble, the site was hacked and it's contents leaked across the interwebs. Now, we are back. Ready to make this into one of the LARGEST online communities on the internet, providing you with forum resources, webmaster resources and lots, lots more. I hope you enjoy your stay here as much as i do. Thanks for reading this (if you've read the whole thing)! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I haven't said anything about Paradiizee (Member No. 3) but i really want to. He has been a friend of mine for years. I met him and started teaming up with him on HackLegends, back in 2009 and we still are friends today. He's awesome at fiddling around with PHP, HTML and CSS. Thanks for sticking with me bro. I appreciate it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -Phun1 point