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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/14/2013 in all areas

  1. Consider this the introduction to WebFlake Cereal - the weekly column written by Evarni, the young (lie), talented (lie), handsome (lie) self-proclaimed messiah of web administration. Episode One: The Big Bang So, you want to develop a new website and forum - but you don't know what it should be about? This is a common problem for many web administrators. You want to create a new website, but you just don't know what the site's topic is going to be. Trying to figure out what kind of website to make is one of the most difficult decisions an administrator has to make. I call this decision-making process The Big Bang. The Internet is massive, and quite frankly there are websites created for every possible subject matter. To be blatantly honest, no topic you choose is likely to be wholly original. That being said, what you have to do is create something that sets your website apart from other, similar sites. There are an abundance of copycat sites out there. The fact of the matter is, some people see a successful website and attempt to duplicate it. This is actually quite a dumb thing to do. After all, why would someone join a brand new website - when it is essentially a carbon copy of an established, successful website? I have seen copycat sites copy the actual content from the original site. This is known as leeching, and leeching is never a formula for building a successful website. As I said earlier, you are going to be hard-pressed to find a topic that has not already been covered before. So what you have got to do is to present your website in a fresh, original manner. It will be hard work, and it will likely take quite a bit of time for your site to gain an audience. In the end just remember one thing . . . your new website is probably not going to be an original concept, but that doesn't mean it can't offer a new take on an old topic. The trick is to find a topic that you're passionate enough about - so that you will put in the necessary work to make your website successful.
    1 point
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