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  1. I'm sorry to be against your host provider, but that is a problem from them. You have limited resources on your host plan, meaning that if overload the system will shut you down in order not to affect the others. As i saw on international hosting, most of them offer limited resources regarding traffic, ram, cpu.
    1 point
  2. Version 4.7.13


    Follow these steps to enable Developer Mode on your installation: Download the Developer Tools, making sure you download the correct version for the version of IPS Community Suite you are using. Developer Tools for pre-release versions may be available, so you may need to download an older version from the "Previous Versions" section. Extract the developer tools and move them to where IPS Community Suite is installed, merging with the existing files. There is a root "dev" folder, and "dev" folders for each application. If you do not have every IPS Community Suite application installed, you should delete the folders you don't need from the Developer Tools folder before copying. The presence of Developer Tools for uninstalled applications may cause errors. If you do not already have a constants.php file in the root folder of your installation, create one. Add the following line to your constants.php file: <?php define( 'IN_DEV', TRUE );
    1 point
  3. Version 2.0.0


    This translation is for Brazilian and Portuguese forums. The translation is being done for some applications too, like Calendar, Pages, and some others that will be added in the new language update. You can check if there is a new version, and if so, probably some apps have been included for the translation as well.
    1 point
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