5 votesPlanned
Upgrading the profile options
Well, i suggest to get rid of the old `upload profile song` ( we can reduce space and loading page time )
And to upgrade it to a better version with video profile directly from youtube / twitch.
0 votesClosed
Website Theme
Not sure if you noticed, but the theme really looks meh. I mean sure the backround and logo is nice but the font nor the colors really fit I hope this is understanding. Also you might wanna update the look on the music player within the profile. Looks very 2000s.
3 votes
The "Provider" Rank
What is the main core of the idea ?
Based on the same premise as IPS made their "Provider Directory" i suggest adding an rank called "Provider" in where to placed all the users that offer services for the platforms provided by Webflake, and maybe in the future even creating our own directory. In addition to the rank, to be added the permission to approve only his own files on the files directory and the update that he upload over his own files. Why ?
A way of how the users can search more easy for someone to hire for an custom job. -
4 votes
The Avatar Size
My first proposal is to raise a bit the dimension of our avatars, right now they seem to be at 90 x 90, maybe 150x150 and a bit squarish would be more great.I`be made myself an avatar and its looks really tiny.