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[RIP] IPB Skin: Shift 1

1 Screenshot

About This File

[*]Description:Shift features a simple colour scheme changer, allowing your members to choose their own colour combination from a preset array. Perfect for any community, very easy to set custom default colours and even easier to add/replace the existing colours with your own!
[*]Compatible with:The latest versions of IP Board 3.x, Gallery, Blog, Downloads, Chat, IP.Content and Nexus
[*]Additional info:The skin is compatible with all major, modern browsers including Internet Explorer (latest versions), Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Opera. After purchasing this skin, you will be able to download it immediately from your Client Area on the forums.
[*]Skin features

"Settings" template fileThis skin includes a settings file allowing you to easily enable or disable features within the skin. This makes modifications and upgrades very simple since little code changes are required.
Color scheme editorYour members can choose two colors to create their own color scheme from a predefined selection. This feature can be disabled using the Settings file.
Modified topic viewIf enabled using the settings file, the topic page can be swapped to a horizontal design to focus your users attention on the content.
Guest messageA customizable message is shown to guests, prompting them to either register or login to your forum.
Social buttonsSocial buttons can be enabled/disabled allowing you to easily link to your social network pages (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Google+, Vimeo, Pinterest & Flickr)
Alternate social buttonsThe size of the social buttons can be customized easily (small, medium & large), which helps save space if you enable multiple buttons.
Optional tooltipsForum descriptions can be placed inside animated tooltips (if enabled using the Settings file), resulting in a cleaner layout.
HTML text as logoChanging the logo text is extremely easy by modifying the HTML text. If required, the text can be replaced by an image instead.
Individual forum iconsIf enabled, you can customize the icons for each forum, allowing for easier identification. Easy to add your own, with instructions provided once purchased.
Grey-scale "no new" iconsForum icons are converted to grey-scale using css filters in webkit browsers (Safari & Chrome) if there are no new posts in that forum. Other browsers simply reduce the icons opacity.
Mega footerPopular and useful links have been added and categorized in the footer, providing easy access to your Invision addons & social links.

What's New in Version 04/28/2013 09:56 AM   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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