About This File
WPBruiserPro {no-Captcha anti-Spam}
This is a spam and security protection module based on algorithms that identify spam bots without requiring the use of any annoying and tedious Captcha schemes. WPBruiser is always armed with the latest anti-spam and anti-spam technology. It is on your guard, protects your WordPress site so you can relax.
• Friendly user experience
WPBruiser completely eliminates the registration of spam bots, spam comments and brute force attacks from the moment it was installed on the WordPress website . It is completely invisible to the end user, there is no need to ever again fill in the Captcha field or any other “human detection” fields. And ... WPBruiser just works!
• Ultra-fast lead times
Unlike other anti-spam plugins that detect spam comments and register after the fact and use not only the resources of your website, but also your time, WPBruiser does not allow bots to leave spam in the first place. As a result, your site not only does not contain spam, but also works faster and safer.
• Enhanced Security
WPBruiser is fully autonomous and does not require any external service. Your logins remain 100% yours. WPBruiser protects your site from brute force attacks and eliminates spam bots in the comments, registration pages and login and password reset pages. At the touch of a button, you can decide which forms to protect.