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Pages SuperReviews 1.1.0

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About This File

Pages SuperReviews is a set of Pages templates to create review sections on your site using Pages databases. Use the full power of Pages combined with a beautiful template set adding additional functionality, like multiple review fields per entry, review Pro’s and Con’s, review quote and easy-to-use galleries. 

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What’s needed: 

  • IPS 4.3 or 4.4 in their most recent version with the Pages application. 
  • You should be familiar with setting up Pages databases. 

What is included:

  • A Pages template set for the views: frontpage, record listing, category listing and record view
  • A Pages block template for record feeds from your review databases
  • A settings plugin to customize the review databases
  • detailed installation instructions as PDF

Detailed Feature Description:

To accomodate different use cases, SuperReviews supports 3 different modes.  

  • MODE 1 – Stock Reviews
    • This mode uses the stock review system. A review will therefore only consist of a rating value and a review text.  
    • Demo: https://www.opentype.space/mode1/
    • Advantages:
      • Can easily be applied to existing Pages databases
      • Beautiful layout specificially designed for review databases (frontpage, listing, record, category, block)
    • Disadvantages:
      • no additional review fields


  • MODE 2 – Pages records as reviews
    • In this mode, each record of a Pages database is used as a review itself. 
    • Demo: https://www.opentype.space/mode2/
    • Advantages:
      • Multiple rating fields can be used and a combined rating is calculated automatically
      • Beautiful layout specificially designed for review databases (frontpage, listing, record, category, block)
      • Special field treatments can be activated: Galleries (from upload fields), PRO’s & CON’s fields, Quote field
      • Reviews can be created without the need to have an entry for the item being reviewed first.
    • Disadvantages:
      • reviews of the same item are unconnected



  • MODE 3 – Linked Reviews
    • This mode combines the best of mode 1 and 2. Two databases are being used. One to hold the items being reviewed, one to hold the reviews itself.
    • Demo: https://www.opentype.space/mode3/
    • Advantages:
      • Multiple rating fields can be used and a combined rating is calculated automatically
      • Beautiful layout specificially designed for review databases (frontpage, listing, record, category, block)
      • Special field treatments can be activated: Galleries (from upload fields), PRO’s & CON’s fields, Quote field
    • Disadvantages:
      • Reviews can only be created when the item to review was set up in a separate database first



Which option to choose?

  • Mode 1 is the most simple option. You can even assign it easily to existing databases with reviews. It doesn’t change much of the functionality but it gives your review database a much more beautiful and engaging look.
  • Mode 2 is more elaborate. Users can add new records to your database and each record acts as its own review. This is a good choice if a large number of items can potentially be reviewed. Any number of review fields can be used and you can set up galleries, PRO’s and CON’s fields, a quote field and of course all the other stock Pages fields.  
  • Mode 3 is the most elaborate option, which works more similar to big review websites. You can control which items are reviewed in a separate Pages database. This is useful for a smaller amount of items you want to set up yourself in advance or you also can give certain usergroups access to this database and you might even sell the access. 
    Reviews are then added to a different Pages database including all the field options listed for Mode 2. The reviews can be viewed as individual entries, but they are also pulled in automatically for the entry that was being reviewed. There a user-defined number of latest or random reviews are being shown along with stats of all the reviews. The overall rating is calculated from all the entries linking in. 


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