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[8WR] Database Backup

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About This File

Back by popular demand, is my backup system. I wasn't planning on releasing this one, but a lot of people asked me for it, since there weren't any other solutions for XF2. This addon will run a scheduled backup of your XenForo database.

Before you buy this addon however, you must be aware of a few requirements. This addon uses PHP's exec command to run MySQL's mysqldump command. If you're running off a shared hosting service, you may not have access to these powerful tools and be unable to use this addon.

Basic Features:

  • Automated XenForo database and file structure backup.
  • Ability to close forums during the backups process.
  • Define mysqldump and tar custom option flags.
  • Separate backups into multiple files or a single package.
  • Compress backups using Gzip, Bzip2 or Xz.
  • Upload backups directly to Amazon S3, BackBlaze or Dropbox.
  • Backup history and logs viewable from the Admin CP.


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