About This File
Pages SuperHelp is a set of Pages templates for help/FAQ sections, tutorials, online courses and similar content.
What’s needed:
- IPS 4.4/4.4 in their most recent version with the Pages application
- A Pages databases that uses several levels of categories.
Benefits of SuperHelp:
The Pages stock templates are limited to show only one level at a time: One level of categories; one level of record links in one category; one full record. SuperHelp is based on an older version of IPS’ Help Guide Section and can show much more information and make browsing your database much easier. The template set has a beautiful and clean look and is of course fully responsive. It adopts to almost all IPS sites and the included settings plugin lets you edit the template appearance without any HTML knowledge.
What is included:
- A Frontpage category listing template which shows main and sub categories.
- A Listing template which shows sub categories, records in sub-categories and records in the current category.
- A Record View template with a sidebar, which shows other records in the same category.
- A Plugin which lets you change the settings of the templates easily.
- An installation PDF with detailed instructions and tips to set up your SuperHelp database.
- Note: You can use the templates for any number of databases, but the settings will always apply to all SuperHelp templates.
- The main level can use category images using the IPS Pages Category Image plugin by All Astronauts
Plugin Settings:
- Show category follow button: Yes/No
- Show record images in listing view: Yes/No
- Show record image in record view: Yes/No
- Number of lines after which the preview text gets cut off
- Number of records to show in a sub-category list
- Type of icon to use for help steps: Automatic numbering or user-defined FontAwesome pictogram
- Text alignment for title/description on frontpage
- Text alignment for title/description on listing page
- Text alignment for category title/description on frontpage
What's New in Version 1.4.0 See changelog
Released February 12
Compatibility update for Community Suite 4.4. Only use version 1.4 for IPS 4.4 and make sure to follow the upgrade installations. You need to completely remove the SuperHelp templates and install them again from scratch.