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Enhanced Forum Views 1.0.2

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2 Screenshots

About This File

The is a bundle of small layout tweaks I use on my own community sites to change the look of the forums app. I turned them into a plugin so I and anyone else can use them easily without any manual changes to the theme code.
The main feature is a forum listing change, which puts the users into focus with large avatar images of the person creating the topic and the last poster. I’ve seen this on a community website once and it instantly convinced me. Instantly showing the people behind the posts makes the topics more personal and users are more likely to answer this way. I also added a few other tweaks, which I find useful or which people have asked for in this community.
Demo 1: Typography.Guru
Demo 2: Typografie.info
What’s needed:
  • IPS 4.3/.4.4 in their most recent versions.
Detailed Feature/Settings Description:
  • Turn the avatar mode for desktop views on or off.
  • Avatar size. mini, small or medium.
  • Remove last poster column from index. A cleaner look and faster loading of the index page.
  • Dim inaccessible forums. Shows forums which can be seen but not opened with 50% opacity.
  • Dim forum description. Shows the forum descriptions with less contrast so the titles stand out more.
  • Remove headline from index. Removes the H1 “Forums” headline if you don’t need it.
  • Remove tags. Removes the tags from the forum listing views. Creates a much cleaner look.
More feature might be added over time. Feel free to suggest forum layout tweaks in the support topic.
Compatibility: Should work fine with forums using the stock theme or themes close to the stock theme. I cannot guarantee it will work on heavily modified themes. Third-party apps/plugins should still be able to change or inject content in the affected forum views. I tested a few like Topic Thumbnails or Best Answer on Discussion Forums and they continue to work. Again, there can be no guarantee that there will be no conflicts with third-party apps/plugins, which change the same theme files as this plugin.
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