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[TH] Trending 1.0.0a

   (0 reviews)

1 Screenshot

About This File

Trending allows you to showcase the most active and trending topics on your forum with just a few clicks. Set minimum views, threads, positive ratings for resources or media, and so much more.

Show off many different widgets based on different types of trending configurations that you’ve set up on your forum. Choose from many different widget positions or show all of your trending topics through one navigation tab.

More advanced options need a more advanced algorithm. With tools like scoring, rank and position changes, usergroup support and more, contact us for information on Trending Pro.

  • Choose many different widget locations which can have your many different trending configurations
  • Limit to specific categories or allow all of them to be shown
  • Set minimum views, replies, positive ratings for resources or media
  • Upvote 1

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