About This File
With so many expenses, your organization can often find that offsetting cost with donations is a great way to produce continued quality services and better experiences for your guests.
Enter [TH] Donate, a simple yet powerful donation manager. Run multiple campaigns at the same time. One for your server bill and another for that new software the community has been wanting to have.
- Create campaigns for donations
- Create and manage multiple campaigns at a time
- Accept donations securely with Payment profiles with many different profiles
- Disable campaigns for later use
- Set start and end dates
- Create and manage milestones
- Choose many different types of currencies
- Set donation goals
- See progress bar and completion percentage on front-end
- Top donations and donors widget
- Guest donations support
- Statistics on the latest forum donation totals
- Create preset donation amounts
- Total of donations a user has made is shown on their profile
- End of donation timer which shows on widgets and the donation page
- Ability to move users to a specific user group once they match requirements set by user promotions