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Rich Discord Integration 1.0.3

   (6 reviews)

17 Screenshots

About This File

Note from WebFlake Staff: Please note that this application currently does not support file feeds or post feeds, just topic feeds. There's also an issue with the application randomly removing and reassigning roles to users. We strongly recommend the user of Brilliant Discord Integration instead.

Rich Discord Integration is an app which adds the possibility to control users who want to join your Discord server with ACP.


- Configuring connection of your IPS with Discord
- Possibility to connect and disconnect profiles and joining to Discord server by users
- Configuring permissions of the app for administrators
- Configuring, which Discord role user from the forum will get
- Approving, banning and kicking users from ACP

- Automatical approval of users, who wants to join the server
- ACP notifications, when the user is waiting for verification

- Creating accounts using Discord

- Notifications about new topics on the Discord

After purchasing and downloading this you will get pictures, which will show you where you can find all tokens and ID. They are necessary to configure the connection with Discord. (https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/me)

When you're configuring connection of your IPS with Discord, remember, that bot has to be on the Discord server before you will save the configuration in ACP

Remember, that role of Discord bot has to be higher than every other, because then the bot can give any role chosen by you to user

Last update

- Creating accounts using Discord,

- BugFix, 

- New screenshots to help with the application installation,

- Notifications about new topics on the Discord

What's New in Version 1.0.0   See changelog


No changelog available for this version.

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   2 of 2 members found this review helpful 2 / 2 members

works truly amazing!

  • Thanks 1
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   1 of 1 member found this review helpful 1 / 1 member

I used the Rich Discord Integration file rather than the richdiscord and it worked flawlessly.

Now that I know it works I've purchased developers plugin but being able to test them out first is a big bonus. Thank you.

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   1 of 2 members found this review helpful 1 / 2 members

It worked as described.

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Working great until now - also looking for 1.0.1 - if you could update it, please :)

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