About This File
TDB Hiding Posts
Content moderation can become a chore for most forums. This plugin aims to take more of the work out of hiding content by making some of the more mundane tasks automated.
With this Plug-in, administrators can allow various actions to be taken when hiding content. A new Moderator Topic can be created in a selected Forum, this Topic will contain various information who and why the original post was hidden by a moderator.
Administrators can optionally have a customable Private Message send to the member of the Hidden content, explaining the reason why their content was hidden. Private Messages can be set as no-reply to give hot-head members time to cool down
The hide form now has 4 different options for a moderator to use:
- Hide Reason: This has been changed to a select Option. This select box uses the ‘Warning Reasons’ via the members tab. This makes selecting a hide reason easier for moderators.
- Other Reason: Used as a custom Reason or to override the Hide Reason Selection.
- Member Note: This field will use ‘Default Note’ from the ‘Warning Reason’ options. Moderators can override the ‘Default note for member’ with their own custom reason.
- Moderator Note: This note will only be displayed to Administrators and Moderators, either within the hidden content or the Moderator Topic Post.
Plugin Settings
- Member Message: The admin can change the Private Message content with a Custom one.
- Date Format: You can change the default date format from the IP Board one. Change to suit your time zone or needs.
- Send Private Message: Admins can select to send a Private Message when Content is hidden.
- Private Message Subject: Enter a Custom Private Message title when sending PM’s.
- Select Default Moderator: Use this option to use a Dummy Moderator for Hiding Content. The real Moderator Name will be obfuscated from the Member. This is used in the Private Message only.
- Allow Private Message Reply?: You can prevent members from replaying to Private Messages to your Moderators. This gives your members some cooling down time before they can find the Forums or Contact Us Form.
- Create Moderator Topic. Elect to create a new Topic in a designated Forum after Hiding Content.
- Moderator Topic Subject: Custom Subject for the Moderator Topic. The Hidden Content URL will be appended to this.
- Topic Forum: Select a forum where Moderator Topics will be created.
Please Note: Only Forum Posts will have will have detailed information to who and why the post was hidden. Please see screenshots.