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Babble 2.2.4

   (5 reviews)

17 Screenshots

About This File

NOTICE: If you are upgrading Babble, you will need to restart your babble.js application. if you have moved it from the default directory you will need to take the updated one, verify the information it contains, and replace the one you removed and then restart the babble.js app for node.

Babble is a real time chat system using node.js and sockets. It uses less resources and doesn’t rely on long polling or interval scripts to check for new message. Babble is fully featured with those features laid out below.


A modern browser that supports web sockets. (Firefox/IE11/Edge/Chrome/Safari supports websockets. For mobile browsers, I will only be supporting Safari and Chrome).

Node.js installed on a local or a remote server that can run a node.js script. I have only tested the last 4 versions of node.js, but the latest version of node.js you can install, the better. I will attempt to compile a node.js versions that are compatible with Babble.

Notes: babble requires node.js. This is an unconditional requirement. So many of the features of babble are node.js dependent, that there isn’t any fallback to another web technology (like ajax/long polling). With that in mind, Babble is very javascript dependent, it will not degrade gracefully if javascript has been disabled in the browser,if you have any tin foil hat wearing members, they will not be able to use babble.

Notes2: Cloudflare, cloudflare only has a limited range of ports that can be used if you choose to use this particular service, you will need to contact them about what ports are available to you. the only alternative to this is to use a sub-domain (not tied into cloudflare) and/or the servers IP address instead of your sites URL for the NODE URL in the ACP.  


**if you are running a server that doesn't use a LAMP ( Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) or LEMP (Linux, NGINX, MySQL, PHP) server, I will not be able to give support for. AFAIK node.js/socket.io will run on windows and mac os x, but configuration might prove difficult. As for *BSD servers, they should operate similar to a Linux server. Refunds will be given at my discretion, this does not mean I will not provide them for any reason, but for a valid reason.

Each purchase only entitles a installation on 1 live site and 1 dev site. If you wish to run babble on multiple sites, you will need to purchase babble for each site. If you are found in violation of this agreement, I can choose to revoke your access to future updates and support until the matter is rectified.

If you purchase a copyright removal, Babble will occasional make a call home to http://codingjungle.com to validate the copyright removal key. Copyright Removal keys will need to be purchased for each purchase of babble if you wish to run it on multiple sites without branding.

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Rinto Kagamine

   2 of 3 members found this review helpful 2 / 3 members

that moment when your users like this more than cometchat O__O 

Working great! thanks for sharing.

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the .tar size is 8MB but the system only accepts 2MB lol can you help me ?

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Working pretty well, thanks guy! anyone by change know how to remove the copyright under the chat?

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· Edited by kevinexit


some body pls help, how can i configure this app with a node server?   pls who has installed this app help me out ! pls pm me

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