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Guest tucool4u

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Hey there tucool  :D!


Welcome to WebFlake! 


To start you off here are some quick links that may help you get started:


The Community Guidelines


You must read through these so you understand what is expected from you when participating within the community. It will also save you any trouble in the future by knowing rules that must be followed, so yeah read them!   :D 


The Upload Policy


If you are planning on uploading files to Webflake then read through this just so you understand Webflake's policy for file uploads.


Privacy Policy


I suggest reading through this if you want to better understand how Webflake takes member privacy.


DMCA Policy (The Digital Millennium Copyright Act)


This covers the DMCA policy for Webflake. It covers such things as what to do if one of your own copyrighted items is posted on Webflake, what you can do to have it removed etc.



If you have any questions that you wish to be answered then try the FAQ first as it has most likely already been answered.


The Webflake Team


The Webflake Team are staff that run the site, it is good practice to view this list and know who they are and what each staff groups role is.




If you need any extra help getting started here at Webflake then please don't hesitate to send me a private message. 


- Matt

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