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Hello (:


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Hey guys! So I run under the alias of 060606. It's a pretty weird alias aye? I created that one back in 2007 on my first Runescape account and it kinda stuck, oh well (: I'm a 19 year old that resides in Australia, the hottest flaking place on the planet! Yes, it his a max of 39 degrees Celsius today.... good for the beach though, but I was stuck at work so Flake life >:( Anyway, I am fluent in PHP and Java, currently learning C# and general principles of web development. I study Software Engineering at University, took a gap year and did shit all but whatever. I joined this forums because I run my own community that runs IPB, this will open up a lot of opportunities for us and I hope you are all kind enough to provide that. I will also contribute as much as possible as I am a strong believer in fair trade. Hope to see some of you around!

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