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Question Huh?

Guest SGatton

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Guest SGatton

I am curious... I just posted a little while ago, a non-generic "thanks" to someone for a Hook they had provided. It wasn't a simplistic "Thanks!" or anything of the like post, yet it was deleted. The post I had made was a comment about how the hook could very well be beneficial (in fact, I planned on using it myself), and then a thanks for the posting of the download. I understand the desire to not want to have people spam to get a 15 post limit (since that appears to be what people likely will do), but why was the post deleted, when it followed the rules?

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In fact it was myself who deleted this post.


star_icon.png Responding to a file's support topic with "thanks", "good", "cool" or anything of the sort is considered spam. Staff will take appropriate action!


Please note the above underlined text. You still put a variation of "thanks" on a download topic which is prohibited. Therefore, It was deleted.


The quote is taken directly from the community guidelines.

Your post said and I quote


This can be beneficial. Thanks!
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Guest SGatton

So, is it the fact I said thanks at all? Perhaps it was the length?


Nice quote by the way, let me provide you with 4 that I took off the forums, that have taken place over the course of the last month or two alone:



  On 10/13/2013 at 9:52 PM, BlasteR™ said:

Nice i like it ! +1



  On 11/4/2013 at 8:35 AM, JustDoIt said:

nice skin



  On 12/2/2013 at 1:07 AM, Crusade_ORDER said:

Great skin, thank you.



  On 12/2/2013 at 5:51 AM, Payton said:

Thanks mate! It's an amazing skin.




How in the world is what I said considered spam, and these are not? Perhaps it's just because you read it? Well, no because those last two were replies to your own skin release, which I am sure you monitor.

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There is a certain tone to use, moaning like a child really isn't the way to go about your problem. 


First of all, you're lucky you didn't receive a warning for your post which was blatantly spam. 


Secondly, I see you have taken multiple quotes from the forums above, but I still don't see any reported content from you.


We cannot monitor the whole of the forums all of the time, this is why we need your help by reporting the content which will bring the post to our attention so it can be dealt with accordingly. 


To decide weather your post is spam or not, just think before you post it "Will this post help the author?"


We have a reputation system enabled, if you would like to say thank you for uploading something to WebFlake then click the reputation button, it is just as effective. 

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Whenever myself or any other of the staff see a post like this we delete them. There was a massive increase in this when we set the post count to 3 posts to be able to download. If you see any of these posts you should report them, we will handle with them. When there is new replies to download topics when I am online I always check them to make sure they are not spam posts. Which is what I done with your post. 

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Guest SGatton

So let me see if I can understand this... because this is still making no sense at all...
First, simply saying thanks, in any regard, is a violation that requires deleting? Or, again, is it because it wasn't long enough?
Second, any reported content from me? Are you saying that I should act like a child and report anything I consider spam, just because it's the in thing? I don't report short posts because it's ludicrous to do so, unless the intent of the post being made was such that it was intended to start a flame war between parties. Anyone who flagged a thanks post as being spam because I said, "This can be beneficial. Thanks!" in regards to a Hook download someone posted that allows you to fundamentally remove the limits for changing one's display name, needs to have their diapers changed.


But whatever... apparently saying thanks is not allowed, and I'll ensure to keep that in mind when I look around on here.

I can understand, again, the frustration of idiots that post that crap to be able to download stuff, believe me I can. I am just having a difficult time understanding how it is that my post was considered "blatantly spam" when mine actually said the hook was beneficial? I'm trying to ensure that I don't make the same mistake, and I kind of need to know what the word limit is, what key words shouldn't be used, etc. If it's all a judgment call by a moderator as to what is Spam, and what isn't, it makes it very difficult to avoid posting spam.

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  On 12/6/2013 at 10:15 PM, SGatton said:

So let me see if I can understand this... because this is still making no sense at all...


First, simply saying thanks, in any regard, is a violation that requires deleting? Or, again, is it because it wasn't long enough?


Second, any reported content from me? Are you saying that I should act like a child and report anything I consider spam, just because it's the in thing? I don't report short posts because it's ludicrous to do so, unless the intent of the post being made was such that it was intended to start a flame war between parties. Anyone who flagged a thanks post as being spam because I said, "This can be beneficial. Thanks!" in regards to a Hook download someone posted that allows you to fundamentally remove the limits for changing one's display name, needs to have their diapers changed.


But whatever... apparently saying thanks is not allowed, and I'll ensure to keep that in mind when I look around on here.

I can understand, again, the frustration of idiots that post that crap to be able to download stuff, believe me I can. I am just having a difficult time understanding how it is that my post was considered "blatantly spam" when mine actually said the hook was beneficial? I'm trying to ensure that I don't make the same mistake, and I kind of need to know what the word limit is, what key words shouldn't be used, etc. If it's all a judgment call by a moderator as to what is Spam, and what isn't, it makes it very difficult to avoid posting spam.


First of all, I can understand your frustration on this matter as it's difficult to differentiate what exactly is spam and what isn't.


Anyway, If all you want to do is say thanks for the download then use the reputation system. Any post that has "Thanks" or anything of that sort will be deleted and handled accordingly by a member of staff. Of course, we cannot moderate the whole of the board all of the time and the last thing we would like to do is enable the post moderation feature as this really isn't necessary. 



Second, any reported content from me? Are you saying that I should act like a child and report anything I consider spam, just because it's the in thing?


Reporting things isn't acting like a "Child", in fact it's completely the opposite. Members who don't report posts I would say are seen a less valuable member as they're not helping keep the forums clean. In addition to that, reporting posts isn't an "In thing" nor will be it something that is an "Out thing", it's just simply attempting to keep the forums as clean as possible. As much as you may feel that 1 or 2 word posts are not considered as spam, on WebFlake it is spam. We're not here to try and have a extremely high total post count, we're here simply to help other members, if we feel that the post isn't a valuable post then it will be deleted.


You didn't receive a warning for your post, it was only deleted. Please take into consideration that myself or any of the other moderators  here on WebFlake get paid for doing this, we do it voluntarily. WebFlake is also a FREE website to use, we distribute paid and free downloads across MyBB, XenForo, vB and IP.Board  and offer free support for our members. You creating this post is just creating more unnecessary work for us, and believe it or not, we do actually have a life outside WebFlake.


Posting "This can be beneficial. Thanks!" would of been more suited by just giving the user a reputation point. Saying "Thanks" and "This can be beneficial, Thanks!" is pretty much the same, it doesn't help the author of the post nor does it help any other user viewing the topic as the number of reputation would show any users who are curious to see if the download is any good would be sufficient. 


If you wish to thank a member for their download/tutorial you can do so by clicking f8f7e8d23846de9eecaa59eea796641c.png which can be located in the bottom right hand corner of their post, just above their signature. If you are having a problem with the hook, then feel free to post your problem in the support topic and a user or topic started may be able to help you.


Verified has actually posted a post regarding thanking members in the support topic in the site announcements section:




Quote from the announcement:



From now on any spam found on threads will be dealt with by deletion of the posts and a warning being issued, if your account already has a warning for the same issue your account will be permanently suspended from WebFlake.


Please note, your account has not been issued a warning, so you're getting let of lightly, then creating a topic moaning about your post being deleted is just ridiculous.


I hope this has cleared up your issue,





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As a former admin here let me just say this, "thank you" or nonsense posts are considered spam and the length of your post doesn't matter unless there is something substantial that will add value to the topic conversation. Staff prefer using the rep, or thanks, system to show your appreciation rather than having to delete endless posts that only say "thanks" and little more.

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Guest SGatton

I have no problem whatsoever with anything you just said except the use of the word "moaning", especially in the italicized fashion in which it was used. Perhaps you should reread the post from the beginning. There was no moaning, there was no whining either. I asked a fairly simple question, of which you provided an inquisitive and polite response. I was then replied to by Verified who was somewhat sarcastic and condescending in his reply. Instead of approaching this situation from an, "I'm better then you because I am a Moderation" position, simply answering my question would have been sufficient. What's more, is that it took this many posts to simply say. It would have been nice if the last post to this would have been the first, as it would have saved a lot of trouble and misunderstanding. I'll remember to not use the words "Thank you" at all in a single post I make on this forum.

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