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Where did fusionrax hosting go?

Guest Rapter

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Well about a month back i could access their site and now it seems they've just vanished with nothing said on their Facebook page or Twitter, i'm wondering if anyone else knows.

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I would if they would actually reply to anyone else, does anyone know?


is it not pretty obvious? they've either gone bankrupt as a hosting company and are unable to give out refunds for the servers due to that fact, so are ignoring and just abandoned everything.


Or have just decided to pack it all in, and not give anyone any warning of why, when and how. If so they won't have a care in the world about sending you back your money you payed for the server.


To me this, seems pretty clear and looks like one of the two above.

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I can't, paypal only allows claims within the 30 days of payment, been 5 months.

Pre-Paying for hosting can be great but as you can see it can also have nasty results. :/Sorry to hear this chris.
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I may be able to help you for hosting once my server and stuff is set up, Did you have shared hosting 


Yeah I had 2 separate shared hosting, but I can't afford to pay for hosting for awhile.

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