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My Introduction!


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Hey, community!

My name is Graham and I'm the owner of BinaryGlobe Posted Image. I'm 15 years old and I've been running Minecraft servers and websites since about 3 years.

My hobbies are computer stuff (webservers, yay!), coding (HTML, Java, .NET - I like to code custom plugins for xenForo) and I also like to eat pizza and drink coke all the time. I'm not much of a sportsman, but I like swimming and cycling.

I'm usually a nice guy who likes to talk a lot, once someone tries to mess with me, my calm state will vanish faster than you can pronounce the word "invision" and I will not hesitate to vaporize anyone who tries to troll me.

If you have any tips about being a respected member of webflake, don't hesitate to contact me. - Graham

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