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Hi from Sandissz.

Guest sandissz

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Guest sandissz


My name is Sandis. I live  in Latvia. I am  17 years old but  soon sweet 18 ^^ . I realy like play  basketball or football. Those two sports is  my two favorite. Now I am studying for computer technicians. I am intrested in webs and forums. I dont know why  but i like code web stuff. Now i only know HTML/CSS but i am learning PHP a little bit. I own my  cs 1.6 clan, that soon celebrate two years. Mostly  i work with IPB forums but  i have experience  with MyBB forum. Recently i start  use WP(wordpress) and its good CMS engine that is free to use. If some one need help with IPB or HTML/CSS just ask. If you  have questions than ask and I'm sorry about my english language skill.

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