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Feedback Social Website Count Suggestion


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Hey so many of you are wondering now, while reading the thread title, But here is where I explain my self.


WebFlake have two social button on the top right, right next to the subnavigation.


Now what I'm suggesting, it to have a like & follow count of those two social sites.


Q: Where will this like & follow system go?


A: Why not a better place then inside the social buttons?


If any of you have noticed IPBForumSkins also has this in place & it looks really effective and nice. If none of you have ever seen the IPBForumSkins social button, but I believe 99% of you have, They look like this in the following image below;


Posted Image


Okay, Well that's yet another suggestion by me XD


Makes the site look more effective, and not to mention "it could" make people want to like & follow the social site more than people are now.


If you have issues on how to do this, Hit me up by personal message and I can guide you through it ;p

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