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Guess the movie


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This is a small fun game that every one can get involved in.



1 - you can ask any of your friends about that picture. or you can use google to search the image (but will be good if you don't )
2 - you can guess only 1 time until the screenshot poster doesn't response you back if its correct (yes) or wrong (no),
3 - Once the correct answer is guessed, 1 points are awarded to the user and it becomes their turn to post up a new screenshot.
4 - If the winning user hasn't posted a new screenshot within 12 hours then anyone can step in and start a new round off. or the winning picture can pass his turn to another user by replying to that thread "I'll pass" or anything else,
5 - Whenever points are awarded the user should post up an updated scoreboard.
6 - you can post only 3 screenshots of movies if the movie isn't guessed. like you put 1 screenshot now. if 5-6 players guessed the movie but its wrong. you'll have to put another screenshot
7 - if its really hard movie to guess you'll have to put some hints with pictures.

note: its not a competition so don't expect any prizes

I'll start

Posted Image

This is old comedy film that got me in to computers :D 

============ Scoreboard So Far =============


Chance - 2

Evarni - 1

clasico - 1

STAR - 1

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