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14u2nv's Intro

Guest 14u2nv

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Hello everyone

Ran across this site while searching for some mods, looks promising as all the older sites have been closed down 

Hope to find good quality mods and hope to share anyway I can

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...all the older sites have been closed down 


The irony in that is WebFlake is one of those "older sites". We've been around for quite some time now, and will continue to withstand the test of time.


In any event, welcome to the community! :)

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Over time IPB core grew and members wanted more than just IPB so they updated to Forum Flake which only offered forum scripts and people wanted it to chance again to include all website types hence the new name Web Flake

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Hi and welcome to WebFlake unlike some of the other websites you come across we are really friendly here.

Remember to read our

Community Guidelines and Rules


If you thinking about contributing to our forums by uploading and sharing please read our

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And finally if you find our website very useful you can

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If you are unsure about anything don't hesitate to ask my self or any staff member, as I said we are really friendly bunch here and we try to help best as we can


Enjoy the forums 8-)

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