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Feedback Cleared up (Happy)

Guest lMaXl2

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Guest lMaXl2

A duplicate account reminderIf you are caught with duplicate accounts ALL of your accounts will be perma-banned . . and all future accounts you may make will also be banned. Remember, we allow one account per household.

Why ban members who have done nothing wrong??Multiple accounts??? What kind of reason is this? My home has multiple pc's an multiple people using this site an now we all blocked.Guess this account will also be block soon also! how can you place a rule like "1 account per household" hmm.thx WF Sad times. Edited by lMaXl2
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Well where should we start... 


1. People recreate accounts so they can download more (due to the 15 download per day limit)


Reason why I put day in bold, is because its 24 hours, why would a single person have no patience to wait 24 hours for another 15 downloads...


2. You can request duplicate account access to the site through PMing an Administrator or Head Moderator.


Never share an account with another person, whatever the case. If you belong to a household with multiple aspiring webmasters / developers, it's fine if you download something and send it to them over your own network. We cannot control that. But allowing another user to use your account is prohibited. This is for your own protection. If someone else violates our Guidelines while using your account, you are responsible for their actions and the subsequent penalty for those actions. This is also why we encourage users to contact our team if you're in need of another account for your husband/wife or children. It takes you less time to send out a PM, than it does for you to create a dummy email to circumvent a suspension for being a bonehead.



3. They get banned because they are violating our rules. So they have done something wrong. 



We have always had our Community Guidelines, if someone chooses not to read them, its not our problem. We obey these guidelines and if someone violates them; its their own fault for not reading them.

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I am answering this without reading Chris' answer, so I apologize if this is redundant.


Why ban members who have done nothing wrong??Multiple accounts???


The reason we ban multiple accounts is because we have a download limit per day for those who are in our members user group. Sadly, there are a tremendous amount of people (we're talking in the hundreds) who have made numerous accounts to circumvent these limits. This is not fair to our members who not only follow the rules, but also participate heavily on WebFlake.


We do understand that sometimes multiple accounts are necessary. For example, spouses (and other family members) may want separate accounts. We have no problem allowing multiple accounts to accommodate these people. As we have posted numerous times - if you need multiple accounts, you are required to let one of our Head Moderators know, so we can work with you to mark these accounts as "safe".

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  • Administrator

Fun fact: prior to my joining this wonderful Staff team, I too had to make it known that my wife intended to create an account completely separate from mine.   This is nothing more than yet another unfortunate case of a new member failing to review our Community Guidelines (it's the first rule listed even). Our Guidelines also note that you can contact Staff for information on creating multiple accounts for family members and/or spouses. It's not our job to essentially read minds and know why a user is creating duplicate accounts. Your irresponsibility led to the banning of your other four accounts (and likely this one as well).   Also, I wanted to clarify something:  

Why would a household need more than 1 account? Just share a single account.


Never share an account with another person, whatever the case. If you belong to a household with multiple aspiring webmasters / developers, it's fine if you download something and send it to them over your own network. We cannot control that. But allowing another user to use your account is prohibited. This is for your own protection. If someone else violates our Guidelines while using your account, you are responsible for their actions and the subsequent penalty for those actions. This is also why we encourage users to contact our team if you're in need of another account for your husband/wife or children. It takes you less time to send out a PM, than it does for you to create a dummy email to circumvent a suspension for being a bonehead.

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Guest lMaXl2

Well thx for clearing this up, it is true I didn't read the rules (guidelines) as I came across WF from a Google search eager to download the files I was looking for. Something I'm always moaning about from my large community lol.Didn't really think of it like "people abusing" the download limits an I fully understand now your ways in controlling this problem you have.If possible can I please get my account lMaXl marked as safe as I truly rely on WF for my IPB needs as a webmaster myself. I will make a small donation for the trouble :)

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