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Well hello there

Guest OmeletteAuFromage

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Guest OmeletteAuFromage

Hi everyone.  Contrary to the username I'm not French (although I do enjoy a good omelette).  I'm a midwest U.S. resident and I have an affinity for anything IT related. This fall I plan to go to college and start a course that deals with networking (think CCNA).


I'm rather new to world of website/community administration, and this seems to be the perfect place to get started.  I'll try my best to contribute back as I learn.




Also, nice work on the look of the site, it comes across as professional (at least to me)!

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Welcome to WebFlake and I'm glad to hear you're enjoying it so far. Make sure you take a stroll past our Community Guidelines and you should have nothing but smooth sailing!


- J

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