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error profile avatar resize


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I am using the latest version 4.6.x I want to change the size of the avatar there is this theme code


			<li data-role='photo' class='cAuthorPane_photo'>
				<div class='cAuthorPane_photoWrap'>
					{template="userPhoto" app="core" group="global" params="$comment->author(), 'large', $comment->warningRef()"}
					{{if $comment->author()->modShowBadge()}}
						<span class="cAuthorPane_badge cAuthorPane_badge--moderator" data-ipsTooltip title="{lang="member_is_moderator" sprintf="$comment->author()->name"}"></span>
					{{elseif $comment->author()->joinedRecently()}}
						<span class="cAuthorPane_badge cAuthorPane_badge--new" data-ipsTooltip title="{lang="member_is_new_badge" sprintf="$comment->author()->name"}"></span>
{{if theme.fluent_global_version === 'ips46'}}
					{{if $comment->author()->canHaveAchievements() and \IPS\core\Achievements\Rank::show() and $rank = $comment->author()->rank()}}
						{$rank->html( 'cAuthorPane_badge cAuthorPane_badge--rank ipsOutline ipsOutline:2px' )|raw}
{{if theme.fluent_global_version === 'ips46'}}
			{{if !$comment->isAnonymous()}}
				<li data-role='group'>{expression="\IPS\Member\Group::load( $comment->author()->member_group_id )->formattedName" raw="true"}</li>
				{{if \IPS\Member\Group::load( $comment->author()->member_group_id )->g_icon }}
					<li data-role='group-icon'><img src='{file="$comment->author()->group['g_icon']" extension="core_Theme"}' alt='' class='cAuthorGroupIcon'></li>

I want to change to this code from a tutorial

<li class='cAuthorPane_photo'>
              {{if $comment->author()->pp_main_photo AND $comment->author()->pp_thumb_photo}}
              <img src="{url="" base=""}/uploads/{$comment->author()->pp_main_photo}">
              <img src="{$comment->author()->photo}">
            {{if $comment->author()->modShowBadge()}}
				<span class="cAuthorPane_badge cAuthorPane_badge--moderator" data-ipsTooltip title="{lang="member_is_moderator" sprintf="$comment->author()->name"}"></span>
				{{elseif $comment->author()->joinedRecently()}}
				<span class="cAuthorPane_badge cAuthorPane_badge--new" data-ipsTooltip title="{lang="member_is_new_badge" sprintf="$comment->author()->name"}"></span>

but I get an avatar profile error, how do you see the photo?



How can I fix that the tutorial that I am using this code is version 4.6 I installed the last version there is change

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First of all restore the original template to fix the page. Secondly that code from the tutorial is ancient and will not work for IPS 4.6. Thirdly there is nothing in that code you posted that changes the size of the avatar. You can do that easily from CSS do not change the template code.

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2 hours ago, PlanetMaster said:

First of all restore the original template to fix the page. Secondly that code from the tutorial is ancient and will not work for IPS 4.6. Thirdly there is nothing in that code you posted that changes the size of the avatar. You can do that easily from CSS do not change the template code.

I used that code for version 4.6.4 and the one that I am using recently, the 4.6.6 version has changed everything
well what would be the css code to change the size of the avatar

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