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Gradual and Continuous Clicking/Loading Issues


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Error 1

When selecting topics in the forum "when I want to take bulk action on topics", the action menu that should be opened at the bottom of the page does not appear. (Refreshing the page multiple times fixes it. It happens very often.)

Error 2

While the subject is opened, the size tab and color tabs in the text editor do not open and do not take any action.

Error 3

The pop-up tab that appears without changing the page with the login tab does not come.

Error 4

On the "Open a new topic" page, all of the text filling fields are loaded incorrectly as open or closed. Refreshing the page multiple times fixes it. It happens very often.

Error 5

When you go to the "Administrator Actions" tab in the topic, the menu does not open. When not opened, the text "#topicActions_menu" is automatically added at the end of the url. (Refreshing the page multiple times fixes it. It happens very often.)


These are just a few of the mistakes.

These problems did not exist before. However, I have been dealing with these problems for a long time.

This issue has been present since previous versions. Upgrades went smoothly. But what's the problem?

Why do you think the problems occur?

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  • Administrator

All of these sound like JS-related errors. Three possible culprits:

  1. Browser
  2. Invision installation
  3. Sluggish/Poor hosting

Try clearing the cache in the ACP with the support tool. If the issue persists, try a different browser. Next step would be to ensure you're using a newer version of Invision. Finally, if all else fails, consult your hosting provider and try to determine if this is a result of limited hosting resources or perhaps an issue with the hosting configuration.

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Other issues have been resolved. The cause of the problem was some "iframe" code.

But the "CKEditor" problem persists. When I want to give color to the text, the pop-up is closed when the mouse is hovered. Font size is also problematic.

I couldn't find the clear cache partition in the admin panel.

I tried in different browsers. The problem persists.

I am using the current version of the forum. (4.6.6)

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1 hour ago, yoldasimol said:

I couldn't find the clear cache partition in the admin panel.

Go to to your AdminCP and click on "Get Support", e.g. mysite/admin/?app=core&module=support&controller=support

Then click on "Clear system caches".

1 hour ago, yoldasimol said:

I am using the current version of the forum. (4.6.6)

4.6.6 indeed fixed / improved many issues with the CKEditor, so I believe it could be cache indeed.


1 hour ago, yoldasimol said:

The cause of the problem was some "iframe" code.

Can you describe in details what you changed to fix this for future reference?


1 hour ago, yoldasimol said:

But the "CKEditor" problem persists. When I want to give color to the text, the pop-up is closed when the mouse is hovered. Font size is also problematic.

A screenshot would help when it comes to visuals. Also reproducibility if there is.

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