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Help to centralize the logo of my forum (Invision 4.5.3)


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Hello from Portugal! I'm new here, I apologize in advance for any breach of rules that I may commit due to mishap.

Well, I would like to centralize the logo of my forum, if this is possible in the version 4.5. Before the recent update, the logo centered with the code "text-align: center". I leave the forum link below:


Since now I thank you for any attempt to help.

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you can always look around the forums for this it was answered for other members but her try this

    height: {theme="ipsf_logoHeight"}px;
    color: {theme="ipsf_logoColor"};
    font-size: {theme="ipsf_logoSize"}px;
    text-decoration: none;
	line-height: 1;
    max-width: 100%
	display: -webkit-box;
	display: -webkit-flex;
	display: -ms-flexbox;
	display: flex;
	-webkit-box-align: center;
	-webkit-align-items: center;
	-ms-flex-align: center;


when I load your site, I was like a vampire, slept for thousands of years and just now is my first glimpse of light haha.

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9 hours ago, mr-pimpen said:

you can always look around the forums for this it was answered for other members but her try this

    height: {theme="ipsf_logoHeight"}px;
    color: {theme="ipsf_logoColor"};
    font-size: {theme="ipsf_logoSize"}px;
    text-decoration: none;
	line-height: 1;
    max-width: 100%
	display: -webkit-box;
	display: -webkit-flex;
	display: -ms-flexbox;
	display: flex;
	-webkit-box-align: center;
	-webkit-align-items: center;
	-ms-flex-align: center;


I looked around the forums, however I didn't discover indications to this new Invision version.

Thank you for the attemp, but unfortunately it didn't result.

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Hello @AGUI, your forum looks currently like this:


If you really want to center your logo, it will look like this:



Add this line to your custom.css:

#elSiteTitle, #elLogo { margin: 0 auto; }

That's how easy it is! :)

Please no more private messages, mentions or anything like that. I don't offer any support at the moment.

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