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Upload a file using the REST API


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Hello there ?

I hope i'm at the right place to ask this here:
So i'm trying to upload files to the /downloads/files endpoint but I keep getting the "1S303/B NO_FILES"  exception. From what I understand you have to supply the "files"-parameter with a key-values pair where the key represents the file name and the value represents the file content. (https://invisioncommunity.com/developers/rest-api?endpoint=downloads/files/POSTindex)
How do I post the file content? I've tested around with a simple .txt file adding the content either as a String as a bytes array.

I'm trying to call the API from unity (C#) and use a WWWForm to supply the parameters. I've tested around with other endpoints (without file uploads) where it seemed to work well. But I just can't seem to fully grasp how to upload a file this way.

Thank you for your help!

Edited by Stettonen
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