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Upgraded to 4.4.10 and got 404s


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I upgraded to 4.4.10, didn't encounter any errors during the upgrade.

When I log back in to the ACP I got this error, even after reverting back to the default theme.

[[Template core/front/global/favico is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]]

Checked my forums and every single link (forums, posts) throws a 404.

Also, tried converting my db to utf8mb4 and stuck at the "Finish" step even after adding this to my conf_global file: 

$INFO['sql_utf8mb4'] = false;

Tried going to support and ended up with this: https://i.imgur.com/LlkxaAw.png

Any help would be highly appreciated.

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Can you try to go to the theme and find the theme and click on "</>" that button. Once, you have click on it go to HTML tab on the left. following this "core/front/global/favico" path. Click the restore button.

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Then perhaps, what you can do is to make a new "Default Theme" so you will want to create a theme and let that be your default theme. Hopefully that should fix a lot of things. 

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