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Images not showing


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Hey, I'm having 4.4.10 with the next issue: Some images aren't showing, default avatars are showing like that 70a3b8b4f4d5613776222ed7084a1cc9.png
https://gyazo.com/70a3b8b4f4d5613776222ed7084a1cc9 and reputation buttons the same 9e401e1a5209b33406613cd92d11a779.png
https://gyazo.com/9e401e1a5209b33406613cd92d11a779 .

When you change the avatar to yours, it shows good. The problem is only at default avatars and reps.

Does anyone know how to fix? 

PS: I keep the IPS version updated always.

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have you changed your url to https from http some time that would cause that issues if you can change your theme to the default se if that would be the issue

when I load your site, I was like a vampire, slept for thousands of years and just now is my first glimpse of light haha.

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